When Worries Prevent You From Acting

Sometimes we spend a lot of time worrying without doing anything about it. We push the problem ahead, and only prolong the unrest.
When worries prevent you from acting

Worry is natural and common in all people. However, we often stagnate in worries, forgetting that shopping may be just what we need to move forward.

Worry is a mental attempt to find a solution to a situation that makes us anxious. This situation or problem may have occurred, or may also be an opportunity that we have imagined. It is a cognitive activity that prepares us for what we think will come. Therefore, worries arise as a mechanism for generating actions and encountering various difficulties.

However , we worry many times and think about things without reaching any solution. We think and think about ideas that concern us, generate vicious cycles that make us connect problems and in the end we forget that the goal is to find a solution.

Why do we invest more time in worrying than shopping?

Worry is the first step towards dealing with a problem. Feeling that we have begun to “act” is reassuring, as it means that we are closer to finding a solution.

Girl experiences worry

This short-term calm makes us relax so much that you can incur avoidant behavior. We avoid acting because we feel more comfortable being worried, even though it may seem strange since no one likes to be worried.

In this way, time passes. Although we may think we are facing the problem, we may also feel stuck. You may feel that you have gone from generating alternative solutions to thinking too much about an idea and becoming anxious. This is when the worries lose their function and become a major obstacle that deprives us of time and energy without us even realizing it.

How can you handle your worries?

These ideas can help you reduce the worries that hold you back and thus finally allow you to act.

Take a step back: Try to be objective

Analyze what is bothering you in an objective way and write down what you think will happen. Many times we are not realistic with our predictions because our emotions are involved. Would we see it the same way if a friend or family member had this problem? Think about how likely it is that things that bother you will happen or not.

Take a step forward: Imagine the worst outcome

What if what worried you so much happened? Put yourself in the worst position. Even if that happens, we tend to be more able to deal with things when they exceed hypotheses and becomes a reality . We will definitely be stronger if we act instead of just worrying.

Accept that some things are inevitable

If what you are worried about is something that is going to happen no matter what you do or do not do, think about what you can do to handle the situation better. There are problems that we can not control. However, we can decide to protect ourselves so that they do not affect us so much. Remember that thinking over and over again about a problem for which there is no solution makes you suffer.

Worried girl

Protect yourself

Protect yourself and strengthen what you think is necessary to face the situation better. Sometimes the best protection can be distraction. Other times, however, the solution depends on you, and the time has come to take action. It may be time to take that step, end that relationship, or say what you have been holding back for so long.

Choose a moment to worry

If you need to think about something, and you see that thought, because you do not dedicate all your attention to it, do not leave your thoughts and remain with you as if it were a shadow, seep into the rest of your feelings and thoughts… stop. All worries do is distract you and cause anxiety. Find a moment to spend on that problem so that it does not echo in your mind all day.

The best is the enemy of the good

That’s what Voltaire said. And sometimes we lose a lot of time and energy in the search for the best way, the perfect one. Choose a time to look for alternatives and solutions. But when that time expires, you have to make a decision. Although all your choices may seem far from perfect, it will be time to choose “the best of the bad solutions”.

Be brave

There does not have to be a problem or a concern behind every solution. We grow, and as we do, we internalize the idea that worries are necessary to face a problem. However, you can shop without worrying. It’s about accepting things and knowing that you will do everything in your power to meet it.

sitting on the edge

Beyond worries

Beyond the wall of worries there is a beautiful sunset. Sometimes earthquakes or thunder destroy everything… for a little while. Other times the sun rises, it rains, and then there is a beautiful rainbow. Sometimes everything happens in one day.

What I want to say is that when we stay behind the wall for too long out of fear of what is on the other side, it does not change what is on the other side. We lose time and the clouds do not go away, they end up going over the wall. Therefore, if you do not want to get wet, take an umbrella. And if you do not have an umbrella, enjoy the rain.

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