Violence Is Learned … But It Can Also Be “unlearned “

Ever since human science began to study the phenomenon of violence in the middle of the twentieth century, a question has arisen several times: is human violence  an instinct or has it been learned? Many different hypotheses about violence have emerged. But there is one thing that is certain: all different cultures, at one time or another, have shown aggressive behavior.

Concerns about this case have increased in recent decades. World War II has shown that the ability of people to harm each other knows no bounds. These and many other facts have led us to see ourselves with fear.

Perhaps because of these events in history, the concept of aggression has gained a negative connotation. But that was not always the case. In fact, without the ability to attack or respond to aggression, we would not survive as a species. However, people have taken violence far too far, and this is worrying.

Aggression and violence, two different concepts

Sometimes we think that aggression and violence are the same, but that is not really the case. Aggression is an instinct. We are born with you and its mark is printed on our brains. It involves a series of physical and chemical processes that take place automatically, without us being aware of it.

Aggression is biological. It puts us in alert mode if we experience danger. It helps us to protect ourselves when needed and to adapt to the environment. For example, it is normal and healthy to react aggressively if someone tries to push us. Our survival instinct causes us to react with aggressive actions to a threat.

Violence, on the other hand, is cultural. It is composed of behaviors that are meant to harm others, for reasons independent of our objective need for survival. Only people show violent behavior; no other animal does.

Therefore, violence is learned. Aggression is an instinct, but violence is symbolic. This means that we enter the world with innate qualities to respond aggressively when necessary. But the desire and tendency to hurt others for other reasons is learned. The good news is that you can leave this thinking behind.

Learning to leave violence behind

Almost all violent people justify their behavior for false reasons. Most people say that they hurt others to protect themselves. To learn or to set something positive. It is also common for the victim to be blamed because they encouraged violence. And it is not uncommon for higher principles to be applied, whether religiously or politically.

Behind these errors of thought lie complex ideological constructions that are also false. Violence is first of all symbolic (cultural) and then physical. For example, when Africans were enslaved all over the world, it was first argued that they had no soul.

“Scientific” books were written about their “inferior” and “malicious” behavior. This is how those who supported slavery justified physical violence against them. The same thing happened with women, natives and now animals.

People say that violence in “self-defense” is ok. However,  there are many cases where that type of defense is hollow; there is no threat. Other justifications involve religion: some sacred books exhibit women as the corruption of the man’s existence.

In the same way many wars were created because each side fought against the god of the other side. And therefore they would destroy them and their god from the earth. And as you may have seen or heard, it is all too common for people to justify violent acts with their “beliefs”.

The end of violence

Therefore, violent acts must be taken away from our minds, otherwise they will not be removed at all. You can ban gun ownership or take someone out of a physically  abusive  situation. But if someone thinks the other person is not worthy, the violence will return. It can take a non-physical form, such as  criticism, a hurtful joke or cold indifference, but it is still violence.

To sum up, there is no need to fear aggressive emotions. This is because they are part of our defensive instinct. But we must distance ourselves from violent impulses that only end up fostering more violence.

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