The Importance Of Living In The Present – Not In The Past Or The Future

The present makes us exist in a certain place. Although we sometimes underestimate the present, everything we do to live in the present will be our personal heritage.
The importance of living in the present - not in the past or the future

Living in the present allows you to build an entire world that will become your personal heritage. Living in the present means being aware of every situation and finding our eternity in every single moment. Naive people spend their time looking elsewhere while standing on an island full of life opportunities. However, there is nowhere else… There is no other life than this, here and now.

The present is fleeting and thinking intensely about an unknown future or thinking about our past with worry can cause it to slip out of our hands.

Woman who feels happy.

Forever is composed of “right now”

While it may be difficult for us to understand the physical dimension of time, the truth is that life is now. There has never been a time when your life was not now.

The present is so transient that this line you have just read is already a part of your past. The future, on the other hand, is what you project when you think about what to do this weekend instead of focusing your whole being on reading what lies ahead. The present moment is the only time we can change our actions and decisions.

We sometimes put so much of our energy into thinking about the past or the future that we do not realize how fast the present moment flies by. It is important for us to stop for a second and think about how many times we have prevented ourselves from living in the present out of fear of future or past memories.

Woman smiling.

Living in the present allows you to be grateful for everything

If our happiness at this time consists mainly of memories and expectations, we will only be vaguely aware of the present. If we do this often, we will not be able to be fully aware of what is going on around us. It keeps us from enjoying the little things and experiencing them fully. Breaking the habit of looking back and forth in time will be of great help if we want to enjoy our current reality.

Focusing on the future or the past can damage our present to the point where we begin to ask ourselves if we are living in the real world, or if it’s all a fantasy. The present moment does not last forever. Today it seems eternal, but it will not exist tomorrow.

To live in the now

Living in the present in our reality may seem like an easy thing to do, but it requires practice. The reason for this is that we are used to giving freedom to thoughts that are not part of it. Living in the present gives us the opportunity to learn from the many events that take place in our daily lives. You may think that you are paying enough attention to your reality. Maybe all you do is think about the consequences of past actions or how scary the future is.

It’s okay to feel upset about something that has happened in the past, but why stay angry because of something that no longer exists? Hold yourself in the moment and be grateful for your current reality. The secret to having a healthy mind and healthy body is to live in the present moment. Focus on this instead of complaining about the past or worrying about the problems the future may bring.

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