The Importance Of Feeling Proud Of Yourself

Feeling proud of oneself is an important element in good mental and emotional health. Today we are going to talk about why it is and how we can cultivate it.
The importance of feeling proud of yourself

Do you feel proud of yourself and who you are? If the answer is no, do you at least think it would be positive if you did? Some people think that feeling proud is just vanity, something that only egocentric and selfish people do. However, they will be surprised to know that it is actually one of the key habits to maintain good emotional health. I say “habit” because it is often a matter of perseverance to be proud of oneself.

It is healthy and natural for people to feel happy and satisfied with who they are. Unfortunately, our world is far from ideal. We live in individualistic and competitive societies that allegedly promote empowerment. The truth is, however, that most of us end up with the expectations of others, making it impossible to truly accept and value ourselves.

Therefore, it is your job to restore unconditional self-love and never give up becoming who you really want to be.

When you know that being proud of yourself has several benefits, you stop considering it a negative thing. Remember that the biggest project in your life must be your own growth and development.

A happy woman with curly hair.

Why is it so important to be proud of yourself?

Feeling proud of yourself does not mean becoming vain or narcissistic. It also does not involve degrading others so that you seem superior. On the contrary, being happy with yourself allows you to establish healthier and more satisfying relationships with other people. And that’s not the only benefit. Here are some other reasons to cultivate this habit:

  • When you are proud of yourself, you do not need others to be proud too. This way you do not depend on external approval. It gives you the freedom to choose your path and not sacrifice your needs and desires to please others.
  • If you feel proud of yourself, you will not tolerate others’ lack of respect or aggression. Personal pride is closely linked to self-esteem. When you know what you are worth, it is much easier to set boundaries and you will be less afraid of rejection or being abandoned.
  • Personal pride also motivates people to persevere, even when they know they will face obstacles and challenges in the short term.
  • Those who are truly happy with who they are gain access to a sense of fulfillment that can never come from any external source. No praise or love can fill emptiness by not liking who you are.

How to cultivate pride

Some people come with this skill naturally, usually because of the way they were raised. For others, however, it is not an easy task, as it requires personal work and daily effort. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, these simple guidelines will help you on the path to self-fulfillment :

  • Identify virtues and qualities, appreciate them, and get used to thinking about them often. Take it a step further by celebrating them fearlessly and sharing them with others. Do not fall into the trap of false humility, celebrate your achievements and talents. Recognizing and appreciating your gifts is a healthy practice.
  • Accept your shortcomings, mistakes, aspects you can improve on. If you want to feel really proud of yourself, you really have to know yourself. Meet your shadows. This does not mean that you should not address your dysfunctional attitudes or behaviors. On the contrary, once you know yourself well, you can invest in your personal growth from a place of unconditional love instead of fearing your dark side.
  • Practice as often as you can. You need to start prioritizing yourself. Listen to your opinions, needs and goals even if you have never done it before and you are afraid that others will not like it. Being true to yourself is worth the effort.
A happy woman leaning against a tree.

You do not have to be perfect to be proud of yourself. All you have to do is watch yourself evolve every day towards your goals, on your terms. When you are not sure which decision to make, you can go for the path you want to be most proud of, the one that will help you become the person you want to be. After all, your life project is you.

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