Seven Quotes From Steven Spielberg

These statements by Steven Spielberg show a man who loves peace, defends childhood happiness and loves all the elements of the film world, from the director’s chair to the projector room.
Seven quotes from Steven Spielberg

They call him King Midas of Hollywood. In fact, when you hear some of the things he says, you realize that Steven Spielberg is a man who lives and breathes for movies. In fact, he loves to make them and declares his love for the seventh art when he has the chance.

Spielberg is a pacifist. He also loves children. Maybe this is because of his own hard childhood. He has really made some great movies for both kids and adults. Movies like ET about the amiable alien, Indiana Jones and Hook , his own special version of the story of Peter Pan.

Quotes from Steven Spielberg

Let’s take a look at some of the things Steven Spielberg, King Midas of Hollywood, and one of the most successful film directors of all time, has to say.

Steven Spielber's star on the Walk of Fame.


Spielberg has been a film fan since he was a child. In fact, it is a magical and special experience for him to return to the cinema to see a movie, whatever it is.

In the same way, we should not lose our own enthusiasm for movies. Maybe you remember childhood visits with your own parents. Well, Spielberg has managed to maintain this kind of childhood enthusiasm until adulthood.

Steven Spielberg on war and heroes

Interestingly, this director, who has portrayed war in his films such as War Horse and Save Private Ryan , is a declared pacifist. In fact, we can say that by making such films, his task is to show how absurd the idea that war can solve all kinds of problems is.

Spielberg has always been against all wars in which his country, the United States, has participated. That is why he is in favor of peace. In fact, he is clear that there are no heroes, only victims in war.

People change

Some thinkers believe that the one who never changes is a fool. Spielberg is not so solid. Nevertheless, he believes that life involves both change and movement and that people are constantly evolving.

The changes that occur in a person may not be identifiable from year to year. However, Spielberg believes that we are different from year to year. In fact, it seems quite possible that these changes occur as we evolve, encounter new experiences and grow older.


Spielberg is one of those people who thinks that in desperate moments you often have to take drastic measures, even as unpopular or unpleasant as they may be.

However, Spielberg is not the first to use this particular phrase. It is in fact credited to the renowned playwright William Shakespeare as far back as the 16th century.

The future

People often say that life goes on and on. Maybe Spielberg means something similar. In other words, there is a lot of time to keep thinking, developing your creativity and finally realizing your dreams. Dreams that you may not even have dreamed of yet, but you will do it tomorrow.

This sentence connects creativity and patience. If you imagine, as Spielberg says, you can expand your opportunities to create, learn and improve day by day.

A woman looking up a flight of stairs.

Steven Spielberg on leadership

What makes a person a leader? According to Spielberg, it is important to know if someone is speaking from the heart and with sincerity. Either they defend the ideas they really believe in, or just recite the ideas to others that they have imposed on them.

It seems that Spielberg knows that it is not always possible to identify real speeches. Even less so nowadays, when we are bombarded with news from all kinds of media around the clock.


When you watch a Steven Spielberg movie, you will notice that it contains a lot of humor. This is evident even in the more dramatic of his films. In fact, Spielberg is a reliable defender of humor in all areas of life. As he begins this sentence by talking about politics, he then includes all aspects.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading these seven quotes from King Midas, one of the best Hollywood directors of all time.

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