Nervous Gastritis: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Nervous gastritis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Stomach diseases tend to bring about severe discomfort, and nervous gastritis, or emotional gastritis, is one of the worst culprits. Although there are a multitude of possible causes of abdominal pain  , it seems that many of them are entirely due to emotional issues.  This is the case with nervous gastritis.

The condition is caused by inflammation of the mucus that covers the inside of the stomach. This causes a lot of symptoms and uncomfortable feelings. The main difference between this and other stomach problems is that nervous gastritis is not caused by bacteria, but by stress and anxiety.  In this article we will look at the main symptoms, how it occurs and what we can do to combat it.

What are the symptoms of nervous gastritis?

Just like many other conditions associated with the mucus in the stomach,  nervous gastritis has many varying symptoms that are barely related to each other.  We must remember that these symptoms can occur in isolation (as in acute gastritis) or continuously (as in chronic gastritis). Now let’s look at the most common of these symptoms.

Stomach pain

The most prominent symptom of the condition is stomach discomfort. During very stressful periods, this can be experienced very strongly. People who are affected by nervous gastritis describe it as  similar to the pain experienced in stomach ulcers.  This is not surprising since the root of the problem in both cases is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

An early feeling of being full

Those who suffer from this stomach condition say that  their appetite is strangely reduced when they feel that they are most affected by gastritis.  Therefore, it is common for patients to reduce the amount of food they eat each day. This can affect well-being even more.

A feeling of being heavy

Something that is also described by patients is a feeling that the food stays in the stomach for a long time,  but the truth is that this symptom is associated with poor metabolism. 


One of the most annoying symptoms of nervous gastritis is the feeling of acidity in the stomach. There is a  burning sensation in the digestive system  that can become exceptionally uncomfortable when you are exposed to periods of stress.

Nausea and belching

When food is not processed properly in the stomach  , mane patients also experience problems such as belching and frequent nausea. 

Causes of the condition

Unlike many other conditions that affect the gastric mucosa, which come from bacterial infections, nervous gastritis is only due to emotional problems. If we overlook problems such as anxiety, stress and frustration, they can become chronic and cause this type of gastritis as a side effect.

If we cure the underlying emotional problems, the symptoms of the condition will only appear in isolated cases. However,  if we have a very anxious personality , nervous gastritis can also become chronic. It will then be a problem that can only be treated from a mental point of view.

nervous woman


This stomach condition arises from emotional problems.  It is important to combine treatments to combat them.  Treatment must focus on three different variables: medical help, coping with emotions, and dietary changes.

Let’s look at all of these.

Medical help

Just like most other diseases associated with gastritis, we can reduce the effects of gastritis with the use of medication. Some such medications are Omeprazole and Meloxicam. These  protect the walls of the stomach from an excessive amount of acid,  thus reducing the discomfort.

Still, it is as with psychological conditions,  medications should only be used in conjunction with other types of treatment. One should not just use medication without side treatment. They work well in their ability to cover up symptoms, but they do not help you treat the root of the problem.

Dealing with emotions

The main cause of this type of gastritis is stress. So the only way to cure it completely is to  learn to deal with negative emotions. To cope with this, different types of treatment can be helpful. From the use of relaxation techniques to psychotherapy.

Changes in your diet

Finally, experts have proven that some natural remedies can help with nervous gastritis. Combined with the other two treatments, a healthy diet can help you fight the most bothersome symptoms. 

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