Learn To Overcome Anxiety And Live Life To The Fullest

Learn to overcome anxiety and live life to the fullest

Do you feel like you are falling asleep through life? Do you want more freedom, more experiences, more time, more love? Are you one of those people who tries to find a way to live life, but it feels like everything weighs on you?

It’s sad, but many people go through life without really experiencing what life has to offer. And just because everyone’s circumstances are what they are, does not mean that there is no chance of living life to the fullest.

A traumatic experience, the arrival of a new responsibility, or just the observation that time passes, can throw us into a vicious cycle. Deep down, there is the fear of mistakes or other worries that paralyze us and prevent us from enjoying life. Anxiety about not achieving what we have decided to do or not getting what we hope for can paralyze us and make things much more difficult.

Overcoming fear and anxiety

Anxiety is our way of telling ourselves that we are facing a demand that can be compromised, and of thinking about the resources we think we have at our disposal. This anxiety can take many forms, such as perfectionism, ambition, jealousy, the need to please other people, or a dependence on the job, among many other things.

Woman looks like rainy window

To live life to the fullest, we must overcome this anxiety and above all all the fears that limit us and lock us into the small cage that suffocates us. How? Below we share some strategies with you.

Confront your negative thoughts and your anxious behavior

As obvious as it may seem, it is worth remembering that in order to overcome anxiety, we must first recognize it through our anxious behavior and our negative thought patterns. It is necessary for us to be brave enough to defy these thoughts and behaviors, but we cannot fight an enemy we do not recognize.

By recognizing and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors, we have already won the first battles of the war. Once they have been revealed, it is much easier to fight them. This will take some time, but it works.

Some of these patterns of negative thoughts and anxious behaviors include:

  • Excessive generalization: just because things are similar, does not mean they are the same
  • “Mind reader”: If you want something, say it; do not wait for other people to read your mind.
  • Affirmation and Negative Self-Criticism: Making a mistake or doing something bad does not make you an idiot or a useless jerk, so do not repeat this to yourself as a mantra.
  • Radical thoughts: not everything in life is black and white. There are millions of colors that can change everything. There are many possibilities if we look at things with colored filters.

To meet your negative thoughts, you can use the following strategies:

  • Recognize and mark the pattern of negative and useless thoughts.
  • Overcome your thoughts by thinking about things in a positive way.
  • Recognize extreme words and change your mind using the positive opposite.
  • Write down the negative thoughts that you repeat the most, and look back over them so that you can reevaluate things.

Practice acceptance

Accept that you have anxiety. Instead of trying to suppress it, try to understand it. Your body works fine. Anxiety is just a warning that you need to start keeping up. Running away will serve no purpose. By accepting the situation, you can begin to resolve it.

Girl with closed eyes

Accepting an anxiety situation is not easy. In fact, by thinking about it, it’s easy for you to make yourself feel worse. It is not easy to face our demons. But there is no other way to overcome them than by looking them straight in the eye. To do this, you absolutely must be strong and brave.

Acceptance means understanding that in that moment, you are feeling anxious and you will feel even more anxious as you go through the recovery process. There will be a period when the negative thoughts will continue to pop into your head. You just have to learn to accept it for what it is, an anxious thought, and keep going.

Take care of yourself

Get enough sleep, eat healthy, get some exercise, practice a hobby, relax. Set quality time aside for yourself. Not being there for others every hour during the day or taking a break from work for a while every day does not make you an inferior person; On the contrary. By taking care of yourself, you also take care of others, because you will be in better shape to fulfill your obligations and responsibilities.

There is no need to live to the fullest to be able to live off adrenaline all day long; rather, it means enjoying every moment in a conscious way. But it will be difficult for you to do this if your body and mind are not ready for it.

Surround yourself with positive people and things, be kind to yourself and to others, and prioritize things that really matter to you.

Think about your lifestyle

Be aware of toxic relationships and situations that exist in your life. Toxic people only poison your mind, destroy the atmosphere and perpetuate what looks like a state of anxiety and fear from which there is no way to escape. But we can get out of this situation in the same way that we can get out of a disease: by eliminating the cause, not just by focusing on the symptoms.

Painting of crowds

Also consider the fact that you may be toxic. If your attitude creates a terrible environment, you will reap what you sow. If you change, it is very likely that you will see changes happening around you as well.

Other issues that you need to think about are, for example, the degree to which you live to please others, whether you have clearly defined your goals in life, whether you do what you really want to do or what you were meant to do, or whether you live by your own values.

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