Kicking Off For A New Job – What Are You Going To Do?

Many are fired after a new job and experience confusion, surprise and helplessness. The worst part is that they have to start a new search.
Fired after a new job - what are you going to do?

“I was fired for a new job. Fifteen days after I started, HR notified me of the dismissal. ”

This situation occurs more often than you think. Beyond the legal implications of termination after a contract, there are things that often go unnoticed: the psychological effect.

Everyone knows that life is full of beginnings and endings. Most people dedicate a large part of their time to the professional sphere. This contributes to progress and development and prevents inactivity.

Getting fired is more than just an emotional and personal shock. Often the damage goes beyond the financial aspect. This is because it affects a person’s self-esteem. Thus, it is a blow to one’s self-concept. These feelings are sometimes more intense and disturbing, especially when the dismissal occurs during the probationary period or shortly after getting a new job.

Often the person’s performance is not what is expected. In other cases, there may be more complex realities, such as disagreements between colleagues or even a sudden indifference on the part of management to maintain the position. Whatever the reason may be, it is a blow that the employee must face.

Getting fired for a new job – whose fault is it?

If you have been fired from a job, it is natural to feel frustrated and discouraged. This is because you have to rebuild yourself and start sending resumes the very next day since you can not waste any time.

The script may seem simple, but it is not. This is because no one recovers so quickly. Under these circumstances, it is also common for there to be anger and disappointment. Besides, it is almost impossible to find enough encouragement to start over. The reality also becomes more complex when the dismissal comes during the trial period.


On average, all new workers start working with great enthusiasm. The economy, the job market itself and the macro structures that surround you make it difficult to find a job. Thus, many people find a job after an average of three to six months of searching.

Therefore, emotions and worries are mixed at the beginning of this new stage. Getting fired during this trial period generates surprise, embarrassment and misunderstandings right away. The person needs to know why.

These are the most common reasons:

  • Your results and efficiency do not match the characteristics of the position and you are not considered competent enough.
  • Not getting adequate training for the position. No one bothers to train you, to clarify what they expect of you and to show you how to perform certain tasks. All of this leads to you failing during the trial period.
  • Disagreements and not adapting to an already complex and unfavorable working environment.
  • Finally, there is another very common reality. The company may decide that it is not necessary to fill the position for which they just hired you. If they fire you shortly after you start, it could be due to mismanagement and poor organization.
An upset woman

What should you do if you were fired right after you started a new job?

It is not easy to lose a job, and it is even more difficult when the dismissal takes place within a few days after you started. Once again , one has to confront the lack of income and the idea of ​​having to look for a job again. This is a search that can last for several months until someone finally responds. In these situations, it is best to follow some very basic guidelines.

Keys to facing an unexpected termination shortly after signing a contract

The first step is to understand the reason. It is a good step to know if it is your responsibility and to understand where you failed. If it is due to factors other than yourself, it is best to just accept what happened. In other words: you should not consider yourself the victim or let this affect your self-esteem and personal value.

Give yourself a week off. It will take a few days before you release emotions such as anger, sadness and frustration. Let your body and mind rest since this will really help you.

Experts recommend talking to friends and family about it. Feeling supported, comforted and understood will give you some relief.

Restore and increase your self-confidence. You need to keep in mind your past achievements. The events that make you worthy and make you feel proud. Remember that you are so much more than your bad experiences.

Last thoughts on getting fired after a new job

You need to adopt a proactive attitude. If you have been fired, being obsessed with it is the last thing you should do. Ideally, you need to adopt a new behavior in your next job search. Do something else, such as exploring your network of acquaintances. Maybe you can also focus on other markets and reinvent yourself.

A woman who meditates

We can conclude that a layoff during the trial period causes a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. However, it happens more often than you think. This highlights the importance of aspects such as proper training from the company or their need for a better selection process.

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