I Can Not Do It: The Fear Of Failing

I can not do it: the fear of failure

More and more people are afraid of not experiencing success and not being at the top of their professional or private lives. Trapped in the “loser’s mindset”, these people are deprived of the joy of life and the daily challenges of life.

The way we face challenges and difficult situations in life shapes our character and thus our final destiny.

For example, in a new situation that may be risky, if we focus on our fear of failure, we will surely feel insecure and lack resources. In addition, our behavior may suffer. Numerous studies show, however, that a positive mental attitude is the key element to personal success. Let’s take a look at how we can use it.

To be mentally strong

Being emotionally strong means feeling safe even in the most difficult situations. What does this mean?

The way we interpret situations and value what is happening around us will shape our feelings, actions, and the type of person we are in general.

A winning mindset is fundamentally based on capacity: the ability to always find a way to improve opinions in any situation. The question we will ask to deal with every event in our lives will be: How can I reach my goal?

The difference between success and failure

The difference between success and failure is the ability to transform difficult situations to improve resources.

Fear is one of the basic human emotions, but the fear of failure and the insecurity it causes should not stop our ability to solve problems.

This is because the path to self-realization is full of mistakes, but it is precisely the difficult experiences that allow us to experience the most important changes and developments.

The winners in life have one thing in common, and there is no shortage of obstacles and difficulties that arise along the way: they know how to take advantage of each situation to grow, improve and reach a new level.

Fear of failure and fear of risk

The fear of failure usually leads people to avoid risk, and too often these people will not even discover the limits of their own abilities. They will only do the minimum necessary to achieve an adequate level of well-being and protection.

The psychologist Abraham Maslow determined “security” as one of man’s primary needs, and that it is part of our natural instinct to want to protect and preserve what we have. But be careful, security can sometimes deceive us: it can limit our choices and thus our actions.

To achieve a goal, there must always be a risk. Just by learning to deal with the fear of failure, we will have more chances to get what we want. Every fear is an opportunity to grow.

Fear begins in our minds

In chess, it is said that the fear of the attack is always stronger than the attack itself. Our imagination has a good ability to reinforce our fear of failure.

But fear is also useful: it warns us of danger. It is not functional when it completely blocks our progress towards a specific goal. If we are dominated by the fear of failure, it is unlikely that we will be able to act freely and efficiently.

Life is waiting for us, and no one else can live it for us. If we really want to change, if we are willing to stop avoiding mistakes and risks, we can be happy.

We can change the way we think and the dysfunctional entries that prevent us from achieving our goals. We just have to stop running, procrastinating and making excuses.

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