How To Train Your Brain To Be Happier

Although no one can be happy all the time, there is something more important than that: having a good time with yourself. To achieve this, you need to understand and help your brain build better self-esteem and have more flexible thoughts. You can train your brain to be happier.
How To Train Your Brain To Be Happier

Is it possible to train your brain to be happier? Today, there are countless miracle cures for happiness. Thus, you can help yourself by using a few strategies. However, is this as simple as it seems? Is there a formula that will help you become happier and more optimistic?

The short answer is no, as everything related to mental well-being and living life to the fullest is not easy or simple.

First, you need to understand that your brain does not care if you are happy or not. It only needs you to survive. Therefore, it always focuses on your worst fears and the processes that keep you in the comfort zone.

Just because your brain is resistant to change, does not mean it can not be changed. Humans have evolved and learned to adapt to complex environments. In clinical practice, it is also possible to achieve balance and healing. However, authentic and active commitment is required.

Woman biting nails.

Can you train your brain to be happier?

Training your brain to be happier is not just about changing your diet. It’s not just about living a more active life, playing sports or traveling once or twice a year. These changes can help you stay healthier and stay happy for a day or two.

However, none of these strategies can help you cope with stress better. When life becomes difficult again, you will not know how to cope better, and you will feel helpless, scared and anxious.

As psychologist Mihály Csikszentmihályi reveals, there is no simple recipe for a happier life. This is an individual process that requires creativity and originality. However, you can start from a series of basic realities.

Happy woman.

Train your mind to reflect on things to become happier

Neuroscience has shown the world that thoughts are just a product of brain activity. The brain creates thoughts as a result of electrical connections. This is true, but your mind has some power over your brain because they can generate new connections and even change shape.

  • Negative, repetitive and obsessions can reduce brain coordination. They make your brain feel tired and reduce the activity in the prefrontal area of ​​the brain. This makes it more difficult to find solutions to problems.
  • A key to training your brain to be happier is to have more control over this type of mental process. It’s healthy to think things over carefully.
  • Everything you say and think matters. Therefore, try to detect negative thought patterns and stop them.
  • Now it’s not about turning things around and starting to have shallow and overly optimistic thoughts. It is simply a matter of reflecting more and being more flexible around your reality. You should be able to think of ten solutions to a problem, broaden your perspectives and stop being fatalistic.

Having a purpose can give your life meaning

There is no point in living a life without purpose. Scientifically, it means living without dopamine, serotonin and the thread that connects your fantasies with your daily goals. If your reality does not mean anything to you, you also lack value.

This gives way to an overwhelming emptiness and leads to mood disorders such as anxiety or depression. As Viktor Frankl once said, a purpose gives your life meaning. Try to remember what is important to you and what is worth moving forward for.

Therefore, if you want to train your brain to be happier, you need to understand what purpose you have in life. You should have a daily goal, a goal to reach. Even something as simple as taking a break, hanging out with someone, reading a book, or going for a walk.

Practice being happier.

Happiness means feeling good about oneself

No one can be happy every day . It is impossible to keep this state of mind forever. Now there is something more important than being happy: Having a good time with yourself. Today, low self-esteem is a major problem for many people.

This is an important part of well-being and a turning point to feel happy with life. John Rawls, one of the most renowned philosophers of the 20th century, used to say that if society is to be happy, citizens must have self-respect.

According to Rawls , you must believe in yourself to be free and believe that you deserve progress and well-being. According to Rawls, the opposite of self-respect is helplessness.

Can you train your brain to be happier? The answer is yes. However, this is not an easy task. You have to work on this every day. It is a demanding, complex and courageous task!

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