Holding On To Things Hurts More Than Letting Go Of Them

Holding on to things, beliefs and people, can hurt you. You should not depend on them, but instead be free so that you can develop emotionally.
Holding on to things hurts more than letting go of them

Holding on to things can be both dangerous and harmful. Clinging to the security of what you are familiar with or used to is relatively easy. The problem is that holding on to something or someone and thinking of it or them as a necessity can have serious consequences.

To be clingy and to surround yourself with seemingly necessary things and beliefs that determine what you need to be happy is just feeding your ego. You capture your well-being like a slave. There is nothing external, not even a person, that can give you true happiness.

It is also  not good to live in the past. Nostalgia can inspire you and let you develop, with reliving old memories is still holding on to something. You can not see it or touch it, but it exists in your mind. However, clinging to an idea is dangerous. That’s why sticking to things hurts more than letting go. Think about this.

Woman releases birds

Creating false needs by sticking to things

What makes you happy ? Think about it. What is necessary for you to be happy? A boyfriend? A house? Your dream job? Being in first place or top five? Maybe having children?

Whatever it is, give yourself a moment to think about it. Do you really need all this to be happy? What do you want most? The things, the dreams, the person, or the feeling of having them?

Often, without realizing it, you begin to make a list of things that are related to your concept of happiness. You have expectations of your ideal world that you may think are really what you want. The problem arises when you internalize this so much that you end up believing it.

“When I get a job, I will live for myself”, “When I live for myself, I will do everything I really want to do”, “All this work and all the effort I have put in will pay off and I will achieve my dreams ”,“ I want to find a partner with whom I can build a home so I can be happy ”… These are just a few examples.

From fantasy to reality

Thus, what was once just a fantasy, becomes  a reality that you want to achieve. You strive so hard to achieve this, that when it does not happen, everything just collapses again. Maybe things will not happen exactly the way you want them to happen. You begin to feel sick, but continue to long for this ideal happiness that you have created in your mind.

Now you must not only go face to face with your thoughts, those you say mean nothing, but also emotions such as anger, rage, disappointment, frustration, bitterness, etc. Without knowing it, and without meaning it, you have created a trap for yourself by sticking to a variety of false needs.

Woman in nature has stopped holding on to things

Sticking to things can lead to suffering

Linking your well-being to things, dreams and people is wrong. No one taught you how to avoid falling for this trap, but rather the opposite. You are probably bombarded by advertisements that show you how you can and should be happy. Just take a look at social media.

Holding on to something or someone and clinging to an idea of ​​how things should be is dangerous. Why is it like that? Because nothing lasts forever. Because a lack of flexibility can make you feel stuck, exhausted, and a slave. Everyone changes – you are not the same person you were seven years ago. I’m sure. Therefore, ignoring changes and instead sticking to things, ideas and people will make you unhappy.

This does not mean that you should sneak through life. Nor does it mean that you should stop caring about everything and everyone. Just keep an eye on how you relate to others and what surrounds you. Keep an eye on how you think about these things. This way you will be able to identify when you start doing something or someone to a false need.

Let go to get more!

To let go, say goodbye. There are many ways to let go,  which frees you from the false needs and allows you to break out of the shape you have created for yourself to actually be happy.

Letting go involves a process of growth and transformation, which only happens when you learn that nothing lasts forever and that everything changes. It is about respecting the circle of life and understanding that some things are not meant to be.

To let go is to know that thoughts can change and that what is valuable today may not be tomorrow. Cultivate your mind and train it to go face to face with these changes. Prepare your heart to let go of those who can no longer be with you, and let go of all your attachments to objects or situations. This does not mean that they stop being important to you, but that you do not need most of these things to be happy. It can be difficult to understand this to begin with.

Free woman has learned not to hold on to things

Affiliations and balance

Attachments are a path to balance, a way to be completely free of selfishness. It will let you work with yourself to really get to know who you are. It is an act of bravery that will allow you to overcome barriers in your comfort zone and stop being afraid of losing what you hold on to.

To let go is to accept loss as a fundamental part of life,  to practice acceptance,  and to cultivate a flexible mind and an honest heart. Life is about change, but also movement. Do not forget this!

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