Do Not Get Upset, Even If Things Do Not Go Well

Do not get upset, even if things do not go well

Do you see the world as it is or as you feel it is? This is a very important question, but it is not very easy to answer. Because when you feel good, everything seems simple. But on the other hand, if you feel sad, the world looks like it’s against you. In that case, reality challenges you to make an effort. Do not get upset even if things do not go well.

You know how it all comes to an end. Even the most complicated situation will come to a conclusion. Even in the worst storms, the sun still hides behind the clouds. But when you are in the middle of the negative situation, it may seem like nothing is going the right way.

You inadvertently become a really negative person, thinking there is no way out, and it’s all over. You can not from the outside of the situation. Your emotions take over, you give up on yourself, and the north wind pushes you back.

Do not get upset when your negative emotions appear

It is impossible to avoid feeling negative emotions. Just as it is impossible to avoid confronting facts and circumstances that go against your wishes. These feelings have a purpose: they focus on what is happening and force you to stop to reflect on the circumstances and come up with a solution. But their adaptive function can disappear when emotions take control of your actions and thoughts.

That’s when your mind fills up with defeat. When you drop your arms and give up on all the behaviors that are there to balance out the negative period you are going through. You end up trying to minimize the loss. Instead of getting the information that emotions are trying to convey, you let it be a cassette player playing the same song over and over in a loop, destroying your spirit… and with it, all your energy.

Woman in the clouds

Move with the current

If you find yourself in this situation, do not let your negative emotions take over. And do not try to fight them either. They will not be your enemies if you approach them properly. All you need to take from them is their information and their energy. Accept that they are a part of you, but do not let them become like a virus that infects your thoughts and actions.

Yes, you feel terrible at that point. Your partner left you and you think you will never find anyone else. Your boss fired you and you think it’s the last straw. Someone has beaten you down and you think you have to start being skeptical of everyone. None of this will help you, it actually limits you and prolongs the suffering and pain in your life.

The importance of gaining emotional distance

Even if you feel tired and think that there is no hope at all because of the storm clouds in your mind, you still need to make an effort to get an emotional distance from the situation you were going through. You do not see anything clear, so why not take a step back?

Doing so will help you see what is happening much more clearly. You get a new perspective that also gives you useful information to get out of the place you are stuck in.

But how do you get emotional distance? You can start thinking about a past situation you have been through where you had similar feelings.  Didn’t you end up getting through it? In fact, as time goes on, we sometimes reduce the meaning we give to all the hardships we have gone through in our lives.

Woman to bathe in tea

This will help you to find out that the situation is basically the same. Circumstances are different, but the truth is that you have to find the way out. It can also help you talk to other people and pay attention to how they experience what you are going through. Putting yourself in their shoes will help you see your own situation from a new perspective.

Do not be upset, you can do this

Remember that even if you do not think you are strong enough to change some of what is happening to you, it does not mean that you have to let yourself be upset and swept by the wind. Sometimes you just have to swim against the current. And this is especially true in those times when your emotions overshadow your vision so much that you go through severe depression. So do not be upset by something you know you will one day see in a much less dramatic light.

Photos by Anne Solin

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