A Heart With Integrity Always Does The Right Thing

A heart of integrity always does the right thing

A heart with integrity will always do the right thing even when no one is watching. It does not need the audience or praise for its good deeds. Because in the heart, integrity is most important. A necessity to live in harmony with what our own conscience dictates.

Some say that integrity is a trait that has become endangered and that it is no longer seen so often in modern societies. That the justice of one’s character and an immaculate, noble soul do not abound in workplaces. Far from worrying about the ideals of others or looking for screens to reflect ourselves to find inspiration, the most important thing is to be whole with ourselves.

Confucius, the renowned Chinese thinker, defined a person with integrity as a “superior being.” He said they have great spiritual strength. They put the  ideas into practice, and later others preach about what they have really done.

With this image we can see that more than an “attachment” to a sense of universal justice, it is a necessary connection with itself, with bravery to be in accordance with what we feel and perform later. We ask you to reflect on this.

To behave with integrity, an obligation, but also a personal right

It is enlightening to see that in Latin “Integra” means “whole”, and from this comes the concept of a unit that has not been damaged or destroyed, which has not lost its whole at all. Aristotle, for example, also defines “whole behavior” as a quality, as an inner breath that is directly linked to our will to do the right thing, without anyone having to look at it.

So far we have been able to prove that in all these definitions there is a clear personal component. Now we are sure that you have at some point experienced that the clear sensation of your integrity is violated, to such an extent that you end up doing and saying certain things you do not mean or feel. We can understand through some examples:

  • Our education or the relationship we establish with our family can make us feel in more than one case that our rights are being violated, by forcing us to do things we do not want to do. Things we do not believe in.
  • The same thing happens in romantic relationships. Factors such as manipulation or emotional blackmail are fences with thorns that we tend to run into, and thus we lose part of our integrity or wholeness. Until we finally respond.
  • The dynamics that are sometimes established in the workplace are a clear example of a violation of the integrity of the vast majority of employees.  They perform tasks that they do not want to do or that are forbidden, they feel exploited, but not able to say anything for fear of losing their job… this is without a doubt very common.

We have all obligations and the right to be whole and to have integrity. Because our own self-determination ultimately determines the agreement between actions and emotions, between desires and events. If a third party breaks this subtle balance, we can be hurt. Thus, we should never forget this: A heart of integrity requires a great deal of courage.

Learn to live with integrity

We are often reminded that in life we ​​should always speak with honesty, think with sincerity and act with integrity. Who determines what it means to have integrity and what does not? The answer is simple; our own conscience.

The conscience is not just a reflection of a legal body in a particular society. No one internalizes the list of human rights written by the UN. In fact , we all have internal compasses that tell us what is right and what is wrong. And this is based on a fine-tuned combination of different factors. Among these are our education, experience, our personality, intuition and our own value system. We should always listen to them.

We already know that a heart of integrity is linked to self-confidence. Let us now remember this set of dimensions on which we can defend this exceptional quality:

  • Behave in such a way that every day when you go to bed at the end of the day, you do not have to regret anything you said, did or did not do. Be consistent in every step you take and in every action you take.
  • If there are certain personalities that are lacking in ethics and spiritual integrity around you. This should not discourage you, nor should it inspire you to imitate them. Be the light in the quagmire of lonely hearts. Be your own example, your voice calm.
  • Defend your integrity as if it were your life. Establish boundaries, build walls against those who make you do or say something you do not believe. Never become unrecognizable to yourself when you look in the mirror.

Be the best example for your children, because integrity can not be learned from books. Integrity is observed, it was felt… and above all it is defended.

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