A Better Way To Educate And Raise Children

Although educating and raising children is a beautiful experience, it can also be incredibly challenging. Today, despite (or perhaps because of) all the information available, it seems that we are even more confused than before about how to raise children. In this article, psychologist Miguel Ángel Rizaldo shares some tips on how we can make this better for the little ones.
A better way to educate and raise children

Although there are many differences between educational philosophies and methods, it seems that parents are more confused than ever when it comes to dealing with their children. Why is this the case? After 28 years as a psychologist, I believe that overprotection is a barrier to implementing the available information. However, there is a better way to educate and raise children. That is what we are going to discuss today.

Parents and teachers have become curling parents, who spend in front of their children all day. This does not allow healthy development. Children need to discover the world and experiment. If they are under the constant supervision of an adult, they will not be able to do this.

In addition, parents and teachers pass on their fears to the children they care for, whether they realize it or not. After all, your children are a relatively accurate reflection of who you are.

There is a better way to educate and raise children.

Education today

It is true that life today is more complex in many ways. Although the basics remain the same, technology has added many other factors to what it means to be a parent and a child.

It seems to me that the way we raise our children does not make sense. On the one hand, one will not make mistakes, and will have everything perfect. On the other hand, you want your child to be perfect as well. However, this works against its purpose and often results in the exact opposite.

Although it is of course important to raise children in the best possible way, you will definitely make a mistake. The kids will make mistakes. Sometimes you win, while other times you lose. However, failure also provides important lessons.

Maybe the overprotection is related to your desire to control everything so that it goes the way you want. Unfortunately, life is not like that. Ultimately, there are many things that are beyond your control.

A better way to educate and raise children

The basic elements for a healthy upbringing are:

  • Recognize and value appropriate behavior. Constantly criticizing children does not help at all. Being angry all the time is a completely ineffective way to get your message across.
  • Be empathetic and put yourself in the children’s shoes. Since you were a child once, remember what it was like and it can help you understand better.
  • Do as you say, say as you do. Be consistent. If you really do not intend to do anything, it is best not to mention it.
  • Listen carefully to what your children have to say and how they feel. This makes communication much easier.
  • Express what you feel. Most people think that it is inappropriate to express negative feelings in front of children. However, if you do it right, it can be a good lesson in emotional control.
  • Take care of yourself. If you focus completely on the children and forget about self-care, you will be quickly burned out and have nothing left for your children. As the saying goes, you can not pour from an empty cup. If you try, you will give the children the impression that taking care of themselves is not important.

To educate and raise children better: Be a good role model

As a parent (or teacher), you pass on your values ​​and beliefs to your interactions with your children every day. If you are looking for a better way to educate and raise children, pay attention to your own behavior.

Although you will not be the only person influencing their future behavior, the way you educate and educate them is important for the future.

Actions say more than words, especially when it comes to raising children. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you can match what you are doing.

You can not pour from an empty cup

As a psychologist, I can confirm that “the apple does not fall far from the trunk”. Thus, it is very important to make sure that you are a good role model for your children and take care of yourself.

Failure to do so can quickly burn you out. Your worries for the children become heavy and unhealthy burdens.

As we mentioned above, you will not have anything to go on in the end if you do not have enough time or energy left for yourself. The worst thing is that you want to show your children that self-care is unimportant. If you do not, why should they?

Raising children is no easy task.

Raising children better: Transfer your values

Your behavior must reflect the values ​​you want to pass on to your children. If they do not, your words will lose their meaning. That is why it is so important to be motivated and always look for a better way to educate and raise children. Be aware that you are responsible for your children’s future well-being.

  • You are the greatest foundation for your children’s healthy development.
  • You are their greatest example and role model.
  • Their development and learning begins with you.

Being a good parent is not easy. Take care of yourself so that you feel good and have a lot of energy to help your children live the best lives they can. 

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