50 Quotes About True Love You Can Reflect On In Your Daily Life

We have compiled a list of 50 of the best quotes about true love. Some of them will evoke memories, others will excite you. Maybe you can even surprise your partner with some of them …
50 quotes about true love that you can reflect on in your daily life

True love. Many people spend their entire lives looking for it. Others let it flow and understand that love will eventually come to them. They understand that you can not force feelings of love. Whatever you think, in this article, we give you a selection of quotes about true love.

Defining true love is not easy. In fact, research suggests that people tend to come up with many different definitions of what love can be. Some of them are contradictory. To clarify the picture a bit, these statements about true love will give you some clues to recognize it.

Quotes About True Love

It was Bauman who coined the term floating love when he described today’s types of relationships. They are relationships where true love has no chance to germinate. But if you are skeptical or uncomfortable with this idea, take a look at some of our quotes about love.

1. “When love is genuine, it finds a way.” (Avatar Roku)

There is no such thing as perfect love, which you will discover as you travel through life. In fact, you will always find obstacles that will prevent you from finding true love. After all, true love will always prevail.

“True love, especially first love, can be so tumultuous and passionate that it feels like a violent journey.” (Holliday Grainger)

Love can be both passionate and turbulent. This is especially relevant in cases of first love.

3. “True love does not arise immediately; it is an ever-growing process. It develops after you have gone through many ups and downs, when you have laughed together, cried together, laughed together. ” (Ricardo Montalbán)

All such experiences tell you if their love is truly real.

By going through both good and bad experiences together, you will find out if it really is true love. The kind of love that continues to flourish through good and evil.

Couples with shooting stars represent quotes about true love

4. “True love is eternal, infinite and always equal to itself. It is the same and pure, without violent manifestations: it is seen with gray hair and is always young at heart. ” (Honoré de Balzac)

Youth is undoubtedly what characterizes this manifestation of love. But when you are in love, you will always feel like it is the first time. You will always have the energy and strength to assert yourself. Of course, provided you both do your part to build it.

5. “The Process of True Love Was Never Easy,” (William Shakespeare)

It never will be. Sometimes love seems impossible. Sometimes you are separated. However, love always wins in the end.

6. “If you love someone but rarely make yourself available to him or her, it is not true love.” (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Have you ever dated someone who says they love you but never have time for you? The excuse of not having time is a quick and easy way to avoid someone. But deep down, if you really love that person, you will do anything to be with them.

7. “True love brings forth everything: you have a mirror held up before you daily.” (Jennifer Aniston)

One of our quotes about true love that you should think about every day. Two people can only truly love each other when they know each other completely, even the things that are not nice. It is actually only true love if you love their shortcomings as well as their positive qualities.

8. “True love means loving kindness and compassion, the kind of love that has no conditions.” (Thich Nhat Hanh)

The moment you set conditions for the person you love, you begin to limit them. As we mentioned earlier, seeking perfection in a relationship is never healthy. Furthermore, you will never be satisfied.

9. “True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice. ” (Sadhu Vaswani)

There can be no true love if there is no kind of sacrifice involved. This may not come in the beginning, but it will certainly come in the end. It is in this moment that you will learn if your relationship is real and dignified. This is one from the list of quotes about true love that you should always keep in mind.

10. “To love someone is nothing, to be loved by someone is something, but to be loved by the one you love is everything.” (Bill Russell)

True love simply does not exist unless both parties feel the same way. There must be harmony, a balance between loving and being loved. Not in perfect balance, since this is almost impossible, but mutual love.

11. “Love is friendship that has caught fire.” (Ann Landers)

We could not not include this quote. It could not be more true that a person who is destined to be a part of your life, must first and foremost be a faithful friend to you. In fact, if possible, your best friend. Someone you can do and say everything with without feeling self-conscious.

12. “True love stories never have an end.” (Richard Bach)

True love never ends. If the flame is always lit, the story continues.

13. “Love consists of a single soul living in two bodies.” (Aristotle)

A soul that has found a foothold in the other where it can finally land. In fact, the concept of soulmates has its origins in these words.

14. “True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, check your ears. ” (Erich Segal)

Don’t expect big announcements when true love comes into your life. Maybe the problem is there, since you simply do not want to notice what is in front of you. Furthermore, if you miss the opportunity, it may never come back.

15. “You know you are in love when you can not sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams,” (Dr. Seuss)

True love is a reality that, despite its drawbacks and flaws, is as close as possible to the one you have always dreamed of yourself. If this has happened to you or is happening to you now, then you are experiencing true love.

16. “True love is not a strong, burning, driving passion. On the contrary, it is calm and deep in nature. It looks beyond just the exterior and is attracted only by the qualities. ” (Ellen G. White)

Do not expect to have continuous moments of excessive passion, eroticism or romance. In fact, it gets quiet, maybe even boring moments. The fact that love is real does not mean that it must be “in full swing” every minute of the day and night.

17. “When you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you want them to be.” (Lev Tolstoy)

This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when looking for true love. They focus only on their expectations of what their ideal prince or princess should look like. There is no such thing. Because, if you heal the list so high, no one can reach it.

18. “Feeling the love of the people we love is a fire that nourishes our lives.” (Pablo Neruda)

If the person you love does not nourish your life in different ways, you are not really in love. In fact, the opposite happens many times. You may think that you are experiencing true love, but in reality your life is deteriorating, is plagued by toxicity, or you have completely ignored it. Therefore, never be afraid to open your eyes to see reality.

19. “In true love you want the other person to feel good. In romantic love, you want the other person. ” (Margaret C. Anderson)

Pay attention to these words. In fact, this may well be the best on the list of quotes about true love. This is because there is an insurmountable difference between wanting the best for a person and just wanting them.

20. “You do not love anyone because they are perfect, you love them even though they are not,” (Jodi Picoult)

In fact, you learn that even the things you do not like so much about the person you are in love with, make them who they are. Remember that perfection only exists in your mind. Furthermore, there is something that can get in the way of your path to true love.

21. “With true love it is as with ghosts: the whole world speaks of it, but few have seen it.” (F. de la Rochefoucauld)

Everyone pretends to know what true love is. But in practice, most people are not even close to experiencing it. This should not disappoint you. Instead, it should serve as a lesson for you to be aware of the signs of true love so that you can recognize it when it happens.

22. “True love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have. And if you go to pump at the true source, the more water you pump out, the more abundant its steel. ” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

This is why love never ends overnight. Some say that true love never ends.

23. “True love can not exist where it does not exist, and it cannot be denied where it does.” (Torquato Tasso)

These words may seem obvious. But for many couples, they are not. Still, it will not show up when you try to force love into your relationship. Ignoring it does not make it disappear either.

24. “Two things you never have to chase: true friends and true love.” (Mandy Hale)

True love is as faithful, loyal, and lasting as the truest friendship you will ever have.

25. “True love means to remain truthful, even when you have every opportunity in the world to hurt someone.” (Michael Hayssus)

The opportunities will always be there. However, it is up to you whether you take them or drop them. If you’m really in love, drop them.

26. “True love is to see that the one you love is happy, even when you do things for those who make you unhappy. Because their happiness is important. ” (Jerry Elijah)

This saying does not mean that you have to leave everything to make your loved one happy. In fact, it means you start enjoying things you are not usually so concerned about if they make your partner happy. For example, planning time together around a hobby that they love but you do not love.

27. “We simply cannot leave the ship every time we encounter a storm in our marriage. True love is about weathering the storms of life together. ” (SA Smith)

Leaving the ship in a storm is the easy way out. In fact, it is sometimes the only way out for the benefit of both partners. However, you should first explore all the other possibilities. This is because all relationships face problems at some point.

The groom hugging his partner

28. “True love not only includes the things that make you feel good, it also holds you to a standard of responsibility.” (Monica Johnson)

Do not expect to feel maximum happiness when you love someone. In fact, sharing the bad times is an important aspect of true love.

29. “True love is a permanent self-reinforcing experience.” (M. Scott Peck)

This saying gives you a different perspective on true love. It is a self-reinforcing experience. In fact, you are seeking to improve yourself in order to strengthen the bond you have with your loved one.

30. “It can only be true love when you let your better half get better, to be the person they are meant to be.” (Michelle Yeoh)

This does not mean that you force your loved one to change. It’s about making them see that we as humans can always improve something. Such changes can have a positive effect on our lives.

31. “True love asks no questions, takes no reservations, but unconditionally lays in the hands of the beloved.” (Paula Marshall)

This saying applies to unconditional love. More words you should not forget under any circumstances.

32. “True love often tries to teach someone how to be the best version of themselves.” (Wislawa Szymborska)

With help you can always show the best version of yourself. You can grow together and make each other better people.

33. “Life is a game and true love is a prize.” (Rufus Wainwright)

A prize that is only meant for those who believe in it. In fact, if you live your life and think it does not exist, do not expect to find it.

34. “True love is the one that makes you forget all the others.” (Marty Rubin)

You will forget, to the extent that you no longer long for the time you spent with other people. You will focus on the present, how lucky you are, and what you can build with your special partner.

35. “True love is a pilgrimage. It happens when there is no strategy, but it is very rare because most people are strategists. ” (Anita Brookner)

As we have already said, you will never find pure and sincere love if you plan your actions as if they were a military strategy. Because true love is almost always spontaneous and unexpected. That’s what makes it so dazzling.

36. “True love, that is, deep lasting love that is impenetrable to emotional whims or imagination, is a choice. It is a constant obligation to a person regardless of the current circumstances. ” (Mark Manson)

This is one on the list of quotes about true love that always hits the spot. The fact that it all ends in compromise. Furthermore, you do not expect everything to be perfect just because you have had to work and strive for it.

37. “True love is not hiding. In true love, both are looking for each other. ” (MB Johnson)

If the one you love runs away from you, even though you have shown them how much you love them, it is not true love.

38. “A generous heart is always open, always ready to receive our ‘come and go’. In the midst of such love, we never have to fear being abandoned. ” (Bell Hooks)

Fear of being abandoned can be one of the biggest problems in a relationship. Unfortunately, if you are constantly afraid of it, you will not experience true love.

39. “True love is a crime. You take someone’s breath away, you rob them of the ability to say a single word… You steal a heart. ” (Jodi Picoult)

A romantic way to understand this kind of love.

40. “Love does not have to say much. It does not require proof. It never has a happy ending – simply because it does not end as long as love is pure and true. ” (Amit Abraham)

Sometimes words are not necessary to describe the connection between two people who truly love each other. Partly because there are not enough words to describe it.

41. “People will go in and out of your life, but the one whose footprint left a lasting impression is the one you should never let go.” (Michael Bassey Johnson)

These types of people are someone you are always looking for.

42. “The art of love is largely the art of endurance.” (Albert Ellis)

Difficult moments can make you doubt your girlfriend. Furthermore, enduring multiple episodes of heartache can lead you to believe that true love does not even exist.

43. “We can only learn to love by loving.” (Iris Murdoch)

There is no way you will ever find love if you always reject all possibilities that come your way.

44. “True love begins when you accept yourself holistically. Then, and only then, can you fully love another. ” (Amy Leigh Mercree)

This is another quote that really has its finger on the pulse of true love. If you do not love yourself, you will never be able to love others as you really should.

45. “If he can not handle you at your worst, then he does not deserve you at your best. True love means looking beyond the words spoken in pain, and instead seeing a person’s soul. ” (SL Age)

Read the first part of this sentence carefully and repeat it when you find yourself in a similar situation.

46. ​​”Antipathy, inequality of opinion, hatred and contempt can come with true love.” (Marshall McLuhan)

Not only can they follow you, at some point they will undoubtedly. Do not expect to spend decades in a state of bliss. Ultimately, even the best conditions can be a bit of a roller coaster ride.

47. “Only love gives us the taste of eternity”. (Jewish proverb)

Or at least it allows you to tear the veil that covers it.

Silhouette of a couple in the sky

48. “Your task is not to seek love, but only to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” (Rumi)

If you have created an impenetrable fort around you, do not expect love to come and find you. Also, do not let past experiences set conditions for the love you can feel today and in the future.

49. “True love is far from all deception. It can survive in cracks in the broken heart. ” (Ruchita Bahl)

Even a broken heart can repair itself, bit by bit, in the presence of pure love.

50. “True love is not the number of kisses, or how often you get them, true love is the feeling that still lingers long after the kiss is over.” (Anonymous)

That’s the key. Remember that, always.

That’s the end of our list of quotes about true love. We are sure that many of them will have evoked memories in you, or made you laugh or reflect. If you have one you particularly like that we have missed here, do not forget to share it with others.

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