When Intelligence And Intuition Work Together

Albert Einstein once said that intelligence and intuition go hand in hand. Furthermore, psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Max Planck Institute, points out that an intuitive person will always make a difference in society.
When intelligence and intuition work together

People are at their best when intelligence and intuition work in harmony. In fact, people solve problems more effectively when these two characteristics merge. Even more, it is precisely under the influence of this combination that people make better decisions. This is because they use both reasoning and emotion to achieve the right balance.

However , many people perceive concepts such as IQ and intuition as opposite dimensions. Moreover, it is common to understand intelligence as the rational, logical, and even analytical mode of operation, while connecting intuition to a non-scientific and almost even magical substrate.

Nothing can be further from the truth. Some well-known books such as Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell or Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman encourage people to understand how these processes work. You need to start thinking better. To do so, it is not necessary to spend hours or days discussing your decisions. In fact, it’s more about connecting yourself a little more to your inner voice.

Albert Einstein said that the intuitive mind is a sacred gift, while the rational mind is its faithful servant. However , society places a greater value on deeds and often forgets that intuition is a gift in humans.

Therefore, it is time to begin and understand that both spheres must always function in harmony. Only then will you go out of the world of intelligence and into the realm of wisdom.

Woman thinking.

Intelligence and intuition – authentic knowledge at your fingertips

Here is an example to better understand the link between intelligence and intuition. Think of a doctor, a good professional who suddenly comes across a patient with unusual symptoms. They make the decision to use their logic for a moment and try to deduce what torment the person may have in an objective way.

Note that the doctor also chooses to use his intuition, the sense that experience gives them; the baggage and the clinical eye. They know that they can react faster through the inner voice, but it is always better to use both areas of intelligence: reason and intuition, and at the same time impulses based on previous experiences.

Everyone should master both thought patterns. The rational mind and the intuitive mind serve each other, and you can only win when they work in harmony. This is because when you only use one of them, you are limiting your true potential. In addition, anyone who just follows their intuition can fall on their nose not just once, but many times.

Similarly, there are those who choose to ignore what we know as “instinct” or “sixth sense”, and tear down the foundations of intelligence. Keep reading to find out why.

Man with intelligence and intuition.

Intuition is not an oracle, but a guide

People usually perceive the concept of intuition as an oracle. As if a prophetic voice appeared and was able to tell what to do and what not to do at all times. The truth is that this dimension does not work that way. As an example, here is a study conducted by Dr. Jean Preatz at Elizabethtown College, in which she points out something quite relevant.

Almost 90% of nurses follow their intuition when making decisions about daily work. They do it because they know that this area is a framework for action. This instinct is what tells people what deserves attention and what does not ; what is effective and what is not.

Intelligence and intuition are an act of courage and self-confidence

Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, is one of the most prominent psychologists in the study of decision-making processes. For him , intelligence and intuition constitute the daily training that can put you in advantageous situations.

As explained in the book Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious , intelligent people listen to their intuition, their emotions, and their impulses. Also, if there is one thing he learned all his life as a researcher, it is that emotions deserve some of your attention. You should not reject or invalidate them as soon as they appear.

Listening to them is an act of courage and self-confidence. This is because they always challenge you when the voice of intuition comes your way. It whispers in certain directions, roads and paths. All that information must go through the filter of reason. Only then will you be able to discover more suggestive and appropriate options for you.

Reflective woman.


As Albert Einstein pointed out, modern society values ​​intellect above all else. Within this, they think of logical reasoning, deduction and analysis as more remarkable processes. Furthermore, people even develop standardized tests to assess IQ to find out how skilled a person is.

However, people put down an almost essential dimension that most people actually use every day: intuition. This trait helps people make quick decisions and guide them and allows them to respond to everyday challenges. If you learn how to use it, you can listen to it and always place it in the right harmony with intelligence. This will allow you to make better decisions and act effectively.

Dare to use intelligence and intuition and enter the realm of wisdom!

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