The Three Men: A Story Of Humility

Discover a wonderful story of humility in this article!
The Three Men: A Story of Humility

This inspiring story is about the three men. They lived with their families in a small village hit by a drought. When summer came, the lack of water became overwhelming. No one knew what to do.

The three good men were close friends and always helped each other. Then one evening they gathered to discuss possible solutions. They agreed that the best option was to go to the nearest village, which was four days away, to buy water there.

They shared their plans with everyone. Although all the villagers needed water, no one offered to go with them. So the three men left early the next morning almost without food, but decided to carry out the mission. If they did not, their people would probably die. They had to use their rations intelligently so that it lasted the entire trip.

Water for everyone

The old and inspiring story goes on to describe the journey of the three men. They walked and walked, without stopping, for four days in a row. When they arrived at the nearby village, they were all sweating and tired. However, they were very happy because they knew they were about to carry out their noble mission.

Jar of water.

The villagers gave them a bed to sleep and some food that night. The three friends were very grateful. The next day they filled the containers with water and left them on the mules, who could barely carry all the weight. The villagers did not accept payment for the water, so the men felt lucky and happy.

The people advised them not to go during the day since the sun was burning and could kill them. The three men listened to them, and when the sun went down, they started the journey home.

The three men learn a valuable lesson

When it was morning, the three men decided to go to bed for a few hours to get some rest, since the sun began to rise. As the sun began to set, they decided to continue their journey. They thought they were already halfway through the journey, and thinking of their families filled them with enthusiasm. They also knew that their people would receive them with big smiles on their faces.

When the sun began to rise, however, they realized that they were in a completely unknown forest. They realized that they had passed away.

Although the three men worried, they still tried to think calmly. In the end, they decided to continue in the direction they thought was right. But after a while, they realized that they were still lost, and they continued to be so for the next three days. They had almost run out of rations, and the harder they tried to find their way home, the farther away they seemed to come.

An unexpected outcome for the three men

As they struggled down the mountain, they saw an almost dead tree with a piece of fruit. However, it was a fairly small fruit, so all three jumped to grab it. They had no idea how to share it. While they were trying to find out, the men saw a shepherd walking towards them with his sheep. He was very old and seemed very friendly.

The three men.

The man approached, and when he saw that they were tired and hungry, he asked what had happened to them. The old man then told them that he was a wizard and that he could help them. However, each of the three men had to suggest a solution to the problem. Only if they came up with the right solution, a solution that honored their friendship, would he help them.

Correct solution

According to this inspiring story, the first man told the wizard: “ If you have magical powers, make more food appear. “The wizard rebuked him. No solution can come from magical appearances. The other man said: “ Make the fruit bigger so that it is enough for the three of us. The wizard also rebuked him. Real solutions do not try to change the external factors, but the internal ones instead.

Finally, the third man said, “ Make us smaller so that the little fruit will be enough. The sorcerer was pleased with that solution, and said: ” When we are in big trouble, the solution is to always make ourselves smaller, humble .” Then he took two steps back and disappeared. He gave the men his sheep as a gift. At that moment it started to rain, and when it stopped, the three friends realized that they were very close to their village.

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