The Most Important Symptoms Of A Lost Soul

A lost soul is a state in which a person is confused about how they feel, what they think and what they want. It is a loss where sadness and anxiety gain strength.
The main symptoms of a lost soul

A lost soul is one of the concepts most people can understand when they hear about it. Still, it is not easy to define it in words, as it is a bit ambiguous. First, because the very idea of ​​a “soul” is somewhat vague. In religion it corresponds to the immaterial part of a human being. In everyday speech, however, it refers to the inner world of the individual.

Note that the idea of ​​a lost soul is present in many myths and legends . In general, it refers to a disembodied spirit, doomed to wander forever as a result of loss or due to guilt from unpaid debt. Somehow it is equivalent in psychological terms.

In the same way, the concept of a lost soul appears in various fields, such as psychiatry or shamanism, in addition to psychology. It has similar meanings in all these areas, although of course there are also differences. Keep reading to find out more about it!

People with mental disorders.

A lost soul in psychology

Even if a lost soul does not have a specific category in psychology (it is not even a syndrome), it is still one of the terms many psychologists use to work with models.

Strictly speaking, people with a lost soul are not exactly depressed or anxious. However, they have traits that indicate a lack of connection to themselves.

The four basic characteristics of a lost soul are:

  • They act defensively. In general, these people have deep fears. This causes them to set up barriers they are trying to hide behind. The problem is that they do not know themselves because this fear permeates everything.
  • They are narrow-minded. A lost soul often has unshakable beliefs and ideas. In reality, their values ​​and belief system are part of the defensive shield, which is why they refuse to re-evaluate them.
  • They make the same mistakes over and over again. These types of people find themselves in the same unfavorable situations over and over again. This is partly the factor that makes them defensive.
  • They do not feel entrenched. It is as if they are strangers in their own homes. They are not part of groups of friends, nor do they develop a passion for the work or hobbies they spend their time on.

The concept of a lost soul in shamanism

This philosophy does not really refer to the concept of lost souls, but to the loss of the soul. Yes, it is a similar concept, but not identical. The latter is more a part of social anxiety. It is often a cultural syndrome.

What characterizes the loss of the soul is the feeling of not being yourself, or feeling that parts of you are either asleep or completely lost. As a result, you also lose energy and vitality. Similarly, you may experience a strong feeling of emptiness and anxiety that is almost always accompanied by depression and fatigue.

Social anxiety disorder is present in Mexican shamanism. Some of the symptoms of this condition are:

  • Feeling blocked
  • A feeling of being confused or incomplete
  • A disappointment with life
  • Perceive yourself as a stranger
  • Having addiction
  • A feeling of darkness
  • Withdrawal from others and fear of getting in touch with them
  • Constant fatigue
  • A thirst for change, but an inability to do so
A sad man.

Come together

No one becomes a lost soul or loses his soul without good reason. To recognize yourself, you basically need someone who recognizes you. Someone who can tell you you’re still there. This is what parents and other caregivers should normally do during their child’s development.

Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Often the parents are not there or refuse to recognize you because they can not. It also happens that you experience confusing and painful situations in childhood, and the circumstances are so invasive that they do not allow for this self-recognition.

There are many reasons why a person can put a wall between himself and the rest of the world. However, it is mainly to avoid being who they are. Under such conditions, a strange feeling arises along with the feeling of not having a place to go or wanting to go anywhere. They have not lost their souls, but keep it mainly wrapped up as a self-imposed defense mechanism.

Starting the path back to yourself is a difficult task, and it is very common that such a desire is not even there. In any case, you need to know that you can take such a journey and learn to be who you are. You may need help, but it is definitely feasible.

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