Communication – Words Are As Important As Actions

Experiments have shown that different words cause changes in our brain. Destructive words increase the production of stress hormones. Words that build you up, on the other hand, promote the release of hormones that make us feel better.
Communication - Words are as important as actions

Sayings such as “words will never hurt me” or “it’s just words” are still repeated time and time again by people who are not aware of developments in language theory from the 20th century onwards. Today we know that words are acts of communication. Or, put another way, words are as important as actions.

The truth is that we are made of words, which in turn are just manifestations of our ideas. Ideas are in turn the building blocks of culture. We relate to ourselves, to others and to every object in the world thanks to our culture, ideas and words. Words are part of the human essence and they have a crucial meaning on our lives. That is why we say that words are as important as actions.

The only words that will not affect you are those that are not related to you in any way. In contrast, words that are directly related to you or things you identify with have the potential to hurt you deeply. They will not magically disappear or evaporate. They stay inside you, they will shape your feelings, emotions and even your consciousness. These days we can argue that verbal expressions or words are just as important, or even more important than concrete actions.

Language and its effect on the brain

One of the most significant findings in language research is that all linguistic expressions lead to reactions in our brain. Both positive and negative words create changes that researchers can actually observe. Psychiatrists Mark Waldman and Andrew B. Newberg have conducted one of the most comprehensive studies in this area. Together they wrote the book ” Words Can Change Your Brain: 12 Conversation Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict, and Increase Intimacy “.

Words are as important as actions.

This book is full of information. Among other things, they tell about how researchers discovered interesting reactions in the brain when people were exposed to the words “yes” and “no”. When a sentence starts with the word “no”, the brain releases higher amounts of cortisol. This is the stress hormone. On the other hand, if a sentence starts with the word “yes”, the brain releases more dopamine. Dopamine is a hormone the body uses as a reward.

Along the same lines, researchers at Friedrich Schiller University Jena found that loving and positive verbal expressions activate the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. This area of ​​the brain is related to self-esteem and emotional decision making. In other words, comforting and loving words will enhance your self-esteem and help you make better emotional decisions. These various studies serve as evidence to support the claims that words are as important as actions.

Positive and negative words

Negative words are those that send a violent or aggressive message, and that hurt a person in some way. This type of word has a much stronger impact that also lasts longer than positive words. Their influence is so great that just reading negative words for a few seconds can increase the level of anxiety significantly. Words like “death”, “illness”, “sadness”, “pain”, “misery” and more such words can have a profound effect on us.

Both positive and negative words have a profound effect on us.

Some studies believe they can find evidence that one negative word is not equal to one positive word. This is especially true when someone uses a negative word directly against another person. Some experts argue that in order to balance out one negative word, you need to hear five positives. This means that an apology alone will not be enough. You have to say or do much more than that.

At the same time, researchers have noticed an interesting phenomenon in the world of work. For example, some studies have shown that if you often give employees praise and gratitude for the work they do, they tend to work harder. They also show a tendency to be more cooperative and productive. As you can see, words are just as important as actions or rewards, even in the world of work.

Be careful what you say

On average, a person spends approx. 70,000 words per day. Since talking is so common, we often end up taking it for granted. Yet it is the very essence of what we are, and the basis of the way we relate to ourselves and others. Using our words correctly has a great potential to improve or worsen your life.

It is important to be careful about how we use the language. This is especially true in tense situations, those related to conflict, or those related to internal problems. However, we do not mean that you should just be careful about how you talk to others. You should also pay attention to what you say to yourself. Sometimes we just need to pause for a second, to find the words that best express what we are thinking or feeling.

Words are as important as actions

Pay attention to both how you talk to others and yourself.

The potential power of words is enormous. Colombian psychiatrist Carlos Cuéllar recommends that we start and end the day by expressing our gratitude for being alive. He says that these simple actions can significantly improve your physical and mental health. Let us make words to our allies in our quest for a happy life, not a trap we can fall into.

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