7 Strategies To Turn Off Negative Thoughts

7 Strategies to Turn Off Negative Thoughts

It is not always easy to turn off negative thoughts. But it is easy to fall into a habit of negative thinking. Especially when we have collected many of them, and created an inertia that affects the filters we use to process information. The thoughts we are talking about can be connected like a small snowball rolling down a hill. In that way, a small and innocent thought, liberated unconsciously and unintentionally, can end up with a great giant that pollutes all our emotions, actions and the rest of our thoughts.

Just as the snowball rolls out of control, gets bigger and bigger, faster and faster, negative thoughts drain our energy and rob us of all our strength. And the more you give yourself these negative thoughts, the stronger they become. It’s even worse: just as it’s harder to stop the little snowball once it’s rolling a few feet down the hill and getting bigger, it’s also harder to stop a ball of negative thoughts that have already begun to roll.

What should we do with negative thoughts?

Life presents us with challenges. A lot of the time it does this without giving us a break or remembering what resources we have. In light of this, it is normal to have negative or pessimistic thoughts. But feeding them, holding them, or chasing them reduces our quality of life and poisons our own self-image. Why do we need to attack our own self-esteem in this way?

Man will turn off negative thoughts

Sometimes a negative thought hurts, and a lot of the time it shapes our actions. It can make us act desperately, even when it is not needed. It can also encourage the opportunity to throw in the towel from a lack of resources or skills when we still had a lot to say. Ultimately , negative thoughts tend to shape our decisions, and not exactly for the better.

So why do we feed a negative thought when we know it hurts us? The problem starts when the first negative thoughts attack us and we do not handle them well. First and foremost, while the ball is small and has not infected everything it touches. For example, there are people who deal with negative thoughts, or rather, the anxiety they cause, by “turning off” the freezer. It is a strategy that tends to create even more negative thoughts. In this case, thoughts about our self-control and our bodies.

With this type of thought comes another strange phenomenon: even though you are aware that you have to forget that thought, it is difficult to turn it off . The more you think about it, the more it sticks out. And you are stuck there and obsessed with something that not only makes you feel bad, but that can also lead to serious risks to your mental health.

This is how you can turn off negative thoughts

So, how can we get rid of negative thoughts? To be honest , you can not avoid it completely. Sometimes negative thoughts are just a small spark in our brain. We need to be aware of when this is happening so that we can immediately recognize them and thus know if we are thinking negatively.

The following strategies allow you to turn off negative thoughts and help you start thinking positively.

1.- Look at your thoughts: negative thoughts are usually a product of cognitive distortions or patterns of irrational thoughts. Look at them as if you are a spectator. If you do not let them take over your head, they will just disappear. Look at them like sticks floating downstream. Sooner or later you will lose sight of them. Accept your negative thoughts and let them go.

The woman needs to turn off negative thoughts

2.- Think again about all the questions you ponder: pondering is a pattern of obsessed thoughts. When we ponder something, we think that we can solve it just by thinking more about it. This is something that is generally completely meaningless. You should solve the things that are really part of your mind and get rid of what you have created in your head, before looking for a solution. Do not be afraid if it turns out that it was not a problem after you have eliminated your imagination. Not a problem, but something you created yourself.

3.- Move and take physical action over your thoughts: When you find yourself trapped in a negative thought, move. Switching gears to evoke positive thoughts is not very easy when your head is busy looking for a way to suffer. This is a good time to go for a walk, to jog, dance or practice yoga. Do not stop thinking – your mind is really busy – just let your body take the reins and take your mind to another place.

4.- Avoid things that trigger negative thoughts: a song, a picture, a book, something you watch on TV, certain people’s company … Once you have found out what things lead to your negative thoughts, avoid them. And, while you can, replace them with others that evoke pleasant feelings inside you. Do not make yourself a martyr or make it harder.

5. Surround yourself with positive people and pleasant experiences: if what you see, hear and read is positive, if the people around you are positive, it will be easier to keep negative thoughts at a distance. Any trigger of negative thoughts will be easier to turn off if you are surrounded by optimism.

Turn off negative thoughts with friends

6. Repeat positive statements in situations where you used to think negatively: Negative thinking tends to be a learned habit. So, instead of letting an ordinary negative thought invade you, pick up the habit of thinking positively in these scenarios. To remember or reinforce it, you can have it in front of you. Written on paper, on your clothes, as a background on your computer or phone, or even on your own skin.

7. Remember that no one is perfect, and move on: it’s easy to get caught up in your mistakes. But the only thing you can do is learn from them and move on. Nothing is going to change no matter how much you ponder. And if there is a weakness or limitation that arouses your negative thoughts, focus on your strengths and good qualities. If you can not change what you have, make sure you get the most out of it.

Turn off negative thoughts: They will not last forever

Negative thoughts are short-lived and temporary, unless we turn them into something else. They have no real power, but they can hurt us quite a bit if we give them a chance to grow. A thought has only as much power as you give it. Negative thoughts increase speed when we turn them on. Turning them off afterwards is a difficult task: it is not a thought anymore, it is a habit.

We are all responsible for the methods we need to process our own thoughts. It does not matter where they came from. What is important is that you can turn off negative thoughts and create a good environment for the duration of these thoughts to decrease. The key is to discover these negative thoughts before they have time to dig into your head and defeat your allies. Are you ready to turn off the negative thoughts you have?

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