Get Out Of Your Own Head And Live In The Moment

By hanging on to the past and thinking about the future, you are missing out on life, what is happening here and now.
Get out of your own head and live in the moment

Are you living in your own head or in the moment? While this question may seem strange, we end up missing out on what is most important, here and now, due to the fact that we dwell on the past and the future. Most of us live on autopilot, between yesterday and tomorrow, between what has been and what will happen in the future.

Living in our head trapped by worries and expectations creates discomfort because we are dependent on our thoughts. That is why we feel alone when we come across the reality of our existence. The problem is that there are no magic formulas that allow us to solve everything quickly. The secret to really starting to live in the moment lies in these simple words: get out of your head.

To understand this deep message, we can consider our head as one of our comfort zones. In other words, in our head are the threads of thoughts that we collect and that keep us from becoming aware of the moment. It is the mental noise that distracts us from every moment and forces us to live in the past or in the future.

Get out of your own head with the help of mindfulness

One of the most recommended methods that can help us get out of our mental prison is mindfulness. Now, this exercise does not consist of sitting down, staying still and clearing your head. In fact, until now you have probably tried something similar and thought it was useless.

People who have not mastered mindfulness may feel that their thoughts are accumulating. These thoughts are confusing and scream, “Dust! You can not stop thinking! ” This usually happens when you start practicing mindfulness. The truth is that we are not used to letting our thoughts flow naturally through our head without judging or saving them.

A woman thinks about mindfulness

Although it is a bit complicated to achieve, when we do, we will finally understand what it means to “get out of your head”. When you stop judging your thoughts and just observe them as if you were watching a movie, they stop influencing your reality and you have a clearer perspective. You begin to see the truth.

Live in the moment

When was the last time you took a moment to just enjoy breathing in the fresh air? Do you remember being grateful for the hot water you shower in every morning? Certainly not, because your mind is always thinking “I’m late for work”, “I have to pick up the kids”, or “What do I still have to buy?”

Your head is full of thoughts about the past and the future. We ignore the present in a pretty obvious way. You create stress with your mind. Your mental activity creates many of the problems you have. None of it is real. You will live in your imagination until you focus on the moment.

A woman who practices mindfulness

Thus, you need to get out of your own head quickly! Give yourself a moment to clear up the thoughts that do not allow you to enjoy your life and that make you feel uncomfortable.

It is like when we feel fear or anxiety for no reason. Is there really something we have to run away from or escape from? No! But in our heads we put together a film, and we believe in it so much that we consider it real.

Dare to live

Therefore, get out of your own head and dare to live. Wait for things to happen rather than expect them. Stop thinking about the past. Do not make the past your present because it is not part of this moment. Be grateful for each day.

Pay attention to every moment of your existence, even as you work. Do you notice how your fingers touch the keyboard? How do your legs support you and allow you to move from one place to another? Connect to your life, connect to yourself and get out of your own head once and for all.

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