Sons Of Anarchy And A Culture Of Violence

Samcro reveals its history through the series, and helps us understand the fundamental values ​​of this group.
Sons of Anarchy and a culture of violence

Sons of Anarchy is an American television series that tells the story of the Samcro biker group. They live in Charming, a small town in Northern California that they have taken over. In exchange for being allowed to carry out their illegal activities, they offer protection and peace of mind to those who live there.

They may have a life away from the crime around them due to the rivalry between other biker gangs. It manifests itself in a kind of social contract between the club and the inhabitants of Charming.

Samcro works with IRA weapons, an Irish terrorist group. The Motorcycle Club has maintained ties with the IRA for several years. Although Samcro was initially a legal aid group and offered leisure time to spend with friends, it slowly became a criminal group. Samcro reveals its history through the series, and helps us understand the fundamental values ​​of this group.

The origin of the motorcycle club

The first MKs were created after the end of World War II when American troops began arriving in the United States. The comrade’s shared experiences between different army divisions and their companion during battle formed unique experiences in their lives.

But when the war ends, all this disappears. Many of them missed their fighting lives, especially because their daily lives have become unbearable. Members of the motorcycle club do not consider themselves suitable for a civilian world. They feel marginalized. They have seen things that no one else has experienced and have formed a close bond with each other.

Sons of Anarchy

These people longed for, and at the same time rejected, their new places in society. They formed MK to relive their moments in the war. Motorcycles were a means of transportation that many people bought because of their low cost. Therefore, because many of them owned motorcycles, they started spending more time together. Everyone who has been a companion in arms and blood is invited to take a walk, walk and participate in other MK plans.

After the uprising in the town of Hollister in the 1950s, some of these riders separated from the traditional biker life and formed the famous 1%. The American Biker Association (AMA) said that 99% of bikers followed the rules. This left 1% of bikers who did not agree with the imposed social norms. They became the outlaws.

Culture of Violence in the Sons of Anarchy

Violence seems to be inherent in society itself. It seems to be a social phenomenon used by one group to impose its ideals on other groups. Violence, in a cultural context, refers to a number of values ​​and norms based on violence.

In this sense, violence is understood as a means of solving problems, which further perpetuates behavior which in turn supports such behavior. Because of this, only the degree of violence increases. In the series, it is easy to see that it is necessary to use more aggression each time to maintain control.

Why? Because these behaviors, which were previously “not so serious”, received a disproportionately violent response. This leads to greater repression in the other party because they suppress an even more violent response.

In the same way, violence is a manifestation of respect or imposed authority. In a hierarchical system, honor of the individual and the club is above all. The president, the leader of the group, should not only lead the club in the right direction, but also lead the club in the right social direction. They must maintain the unity of the club and ensure that the rules that support it are respected.

Culture of violence

The importance of family

The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club is based on family values. They are not just friends or comrades, they are brothers. As such, they participate in the socialization of their children who were born in a predisposed environment to follow in their parents’ footsteps.

The family is responsible for educating the Sons of Anarchy and strengthening their ideals. Children do not go to school because they are “not part” of that society. The values ​​or rules they are governed by are different, and create unique concepts and ideas adapted to their reality passed down from generation to generation. This restriction of learning, without allowing socialization beyond “family”, prevents new generations from having a broader view of the world and of life.

The role of women

Women form a group apart from MK herself. Although within the club, they do not move away from the traditional role of women in society throughout history: wives and mothers. In this way, the Sons of Anarchy reflects the violence that has always existed against women.

A woman must become the stable boyfriend or wife of a club member to become part of SAMCRO. Other than that, she’s only there to satisfy men’s immediate desires. The woman is continuously available to men.

The woman is the one who harmonizes the group. She has many functions to fulfill in this role. SAMCRO places great emphasis on a woman’s relationship with the club member, because in that family concept they believe that if you can not give everything to the club, you do not deserve to be there.

Finally, Sons of Anarchy tries to show a lifestyle and values ​​that unite many “motorcycle clubs”. The feeling of marginalization after the war led them to move away from society and deny it. They made their bikes their life and what defines them.

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