The Moment Is Now: Learn To Take Care Of Yourself

The moment is now: Learn to take care of yourself

Sometimes you get so preoccupied with things that you forget to take care of the only person who will be with you forever: yourself. And maybe you think that personal well-being and putting yourself first on your “to do” list seems selfish… but it is not. In fact, one of the most important investments you can ever make is investing in yourself, your health, your needs and your well-being. And you absolutely must know how to take care of yourself to take care of others. If you can take care of yourself, you will be able to give a fuller, more complete you to everyone else.

Spending hours of your day caring for other people is something that comes from the deepest and most genuine care. But it will strain your emotions if it becomes constant. And if a person spends much of their life taking care of other people, either on a practical level (doing things for them) or a sentimental one (giving emotional support ), they will stop taking care of themselves. They may even forget how to do it. That’s why we’ll tell you how to take care of yourself in this article. Because it is a basic ability when it comes to having good mental and emotional health.

heart to take care of

Why is it so difficult to take care of yourself?

We often act, move or decide things based on what other people need or say. Because of this, we stop looking for our needs, and even forget about them. It’s just like when you stop doing a certain activity – you lose your skills, and may even forget how much you enjoyed it. So if you stop listening and taking care of yourself, you will forget how to do it. We can especially see this situation in people who spend many years caring for their children or family members. The moment they stop caring for these people, they become depressed, experience anxiety, and do not understand what is happening to them, or why they feel that way.

People who do not know how to take care of themselves, go to therapy and say that they feel that they have passed away. They feel that they have no direction, as if they are blocked and can do nothing else to get out of where they are. It’s time for them to “take care of themselves” and they do not know how to do it. They are faced with a task that is almost impossible for them: it is unknown and they do not even know where to start.

How do you take care of yourself?

Just think, if you feel good, all the difficulties around you will be easier to overcome. And you have to accept that this task is completely up to you. That is, if you have a partner, friends, family or children, it is great if they care about your well-being (and they should be), but you can not expect people around you to take care of you. It is a job you have to do on your own initiative. So therefore we are going to give you 7 ideas on how you can take care of yourself.

1. Organize your environment, because it shows your best self

Keeping the house, room, work area and physical environments in order is a step forward. The places you are in should be inviting. Messiness, poor lighting and cold make you feel uncomfortable. And if it is like that every day, your general mental discomfort will get worse and worse.

2. Find a moment of relaxation every day

We all live with a lifestyle where “we never have enough time”. This is partly true, but time is a resource that you “take” from one place and “put” in another. This means that when it comes to taking care of yourself, it is important to even find just 10 minutes each day to relax and unwind. Have a coffee or a cup of tea, or look at the phone without letting anything or anyone bother you. This moment of relaxation can be in the morning, afternoon or evening, it does not matter what time of day it is as long as you have one…

woman and birds

Make laughter a part of your routine

Give yourself things that make you laugh. TV, movies, a radio show, a podcast, it does not matter what. The most important thing is that it connects you with your sense of humor. The effect of trying to laugh every day is positive. You will feel the effects on your mood. Be proactive and go for the things that make you laugh. And do not wait for them to come and knock, find them.

4. Get away from negative people and emotions

Getting away from everything that hurts is a necessary step to take care of yourself. If you have toxic relationships or people in your immediate circles who convey negativity, create distance and set boundaries. It is difficult to take care of yourself when you are surrounded by people who ignore your efforts to achieve well-being.

5. Cultivate your personal relationships – give them time and make them worth it

Once you have set boundaries in your toxic relationships and gotten away from the negative emotions (listen to them before doing so instead of ignoring them), you can begin to cultivate the relationships that make you feel good. Give them time. Meet friends, go on a date with your partner, or visit a family member you want to see. Spending time in these relationships makes you feel emotionally supported and cared for.

6. Do physical exercise, and if you do not have time to take your time!

Physical exercise is one of the best tools to help you regain your mental balance and improve your mood. On top of having psychological benefits, exercise will also improve your self-esteem. You will feel better and have a better self-image, and all this will act as an injection of positive emotions. Commit to a weekly exercise plan and you will notice the changes right away.


7. Listen to your needs as a person

Above all, connect to your needs, listen to what you want to say or do, and be true to yourself. These are some of the best ways to take care of yourself. Pushing away your needs and always putting other people’s well-being first may be the easier option at the moment. But in the long run, it will hurt you. You need to consider how you feel, what you want, what is important to you, and how you can satisfy these things.

Finally, remember that taking care of yourself can be a difficult job. If you have not done this before, you may not know where to start. But do not be discouraged. Everything we do for at least 21 days will become a habit. Set yourself the goal of making a habit of taking care of yourself for the next 21 days. You will not regret it!

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