When I Think I’m Not A Kind Person

Have you ever felt like a bad person ? Sometimes we make mistakes that make us feel like bad people. Guilt prevails and we think the worst about ourselves. We all make mistakes, and these mistakes do not necessarily make us bad people.

Believe me, if you’re thinking about whether you’re a bad person or not, you probably are not. Evil people do not think about whether they are evil. They simply trade for their own gain and do evil things for no reason.

The times you feel like a bad person, could it be that other people want you to feel it? Today you will discover why you sometimes think you are acting negatively when you are not really doing it. There are many outside factors, with the most important being how you look at yourself.

The boundaries between good and evil

When I think I'm not a kind person

Ever since you were a child, you have been trained to be kind, but what does it really mean to be a kind person? To behave nicely, to help others, to never say “no”…

Some of the things we have learned undermine us.  Being kind all the time can make us completely exposed to others, become vulnerable and become a prey to the will of others.

As we grow older and take on more responsibility, we easily feel guilty. People we say “no” to get angry, if we tell the truth we sometimes get more problems than if we lie, so we maintain the facade to avoid being judged by others…

Enough now! It is one thing to be a kind person, but quite another to be stupid as a nod to others. You should not let others use you as they wish, and do not let them make you feel inferior.

Why do they get angry just because I can not be with them? Why, if I am honest, do they treat me badly and send me ugly looks? People ask for honesty when they really prefer to hear lies. Is not that hypocrisy?

Eventually you learn when to put people in place. It is not right to always turn the other cheek; nor does it make you an evil person.

Being selfish, once in a while, is actually a positive alternative. You have no reason to be under the grace of others, when they are not under yours. Feel free to say “no”, feel free enough not to let other people give you the impression that you are a bad person.

Say no to emotional blackmail

When I think I'm not a kind person

Emotional blackmail can be one of the reasons why you feel guilty. This happens not only among couples, but in many different types of relationships.

Blackmail is characterized by making someone feel guilty for behaving the way they want. It is the most common form and most people can identify with it.

Emotional blackmail can make you think you are a bad person. If you do not give yourself completely, if you are not always there, if you say “I can not stay”, then you are a bad person.

Getting out of this can be very difficult because our low self-esteem leads us to believe that we are bad people who constantly hurt others, even though – in fact we are the ones who get hurt.

Have you ever thought about how much shame you feel because of others? For example, you are afraid  to say what you think, because you worry that the person will misunderstand. Still, it happens and you get a sense of guilt you can not get rid of.

The negative is actually not what you say, but it is the reaction of the person receiving, that makes you feel naughty. And the person is happy to use this to be a victim.

Evil and kindness are relative

The times you think you’re a bad person, think about it, what have others made you think about yourself, and is that really true? Evil acts are something that is performed for no reason. Imagine that you are abusing someone – that’s what it’s like to be a bad person.

But what if you defend your brother against someone? If you use hurtful words or your physical strength against them if they attack him, are you naughty then? Evil and kindness are relative, it all depends on how you look at it. Therefore, you are not an evil person even if you make a mistake.

When I think I'm not a kind person

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