Celebration Evening: Disconnect From Work The German Way

More people are working remotely now than ever before. This means that work can take up a lot more of your time than before. Feierabend is the German way to stop this.
Celebration evening: Disconnect from work the German way

Sweeping evening is a tactic the Germans devised that allows people to disconnect from work. As we all know, the line between work and private life is now thinner than ever. In fact, in some cases you can work more or less all day. Learn to disconnect from work the German way.

This is especially true if you work from home. You receive continuous emails and messages. This means that you really do not have any breaks. Sweepstakes provide a solution to this problem.

When you can not disconnect from your work, you become exhausted, and this negatively affects your personal life. Sweepstakes allow you to take a physical and mental break from work demands.

Tired man at work.

Disconnect from work the German way: Working from home

Working from home means that you no longer have to commute to and from work. Although this trip was more than likely dominated by traffic jams and crowds, it was also time you had for yourself.

Working from home has eliminated this journey. Instead, you probably have more flexible working hours. In fact, you can start earlier and end much later. Sometimes you may even find yourself getting up in the middle of the night to complete a work assignment.

Your journey to work gave some momentum in your day. You traveled through different areas, saw different people and moved around. Working from home has made you far more sedentary.

What is a sweeping evening?

Sweepstakes are defined as the moment when your work day ends and you can rest. It’s a German word that actually means the feeling you have when you’ve done all the tasks on your agenda that you may have to do. In fact, there is a special sense of satisfaction at this point, because you have done what you were supposed to and you are now in charge of your own time.

Sweepstakes are in fact more or less equivalent to your previous trip to and from work. In fact, the Germans devised this tactic due to the fact that no travel is involved in teleworking. It consists of taking a walk when you have finished working.

The idea is to mark the transition between working hours and non-working hours. Therefore, if you finish work at 18.00, go for a walk. Your relaxation time has begun. Therefore, you have a clear boundary between work and rest.

A group of people.

Disconnect from work the German way: The benefits of Feierabend

When you are a teleworker, even with strict schedules, you always tend to spend more time working. For example, you are more likely to complete a task before taking a break. While you can stop working physically, you can also not take yourself mentally from the task. It is not particularly useful not to be able to change the environment.

There is a limit when working face to face, a start and end time. In telework, this border becomes quite blurred. As a result, it’s easy to end up working more than you did before, and your work life and personal life will be the same. This is not healthy and lines must always be drawn.

This is why sweeping evenings are so positive, as it marks a before and after. Because you go for a walk at the same time every day, which means the end of work and the start of relaxation time. This is important not only to maintain your mental health but also to increase productivity.

There does not seem to be a similar word in Norwegian. A direct translation would be an evening celebration, but it is not a party. The German definition is “the moment you stop working for the day” and also “time in the evening where you have time off from work”. In any case, the exact meaning is that it corresponds to the moment of the day when the work tasks end. It should be preserved at all costs.

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