5 Unforgettable Quotes From Wonderful Books

5 unforgettable quotes from wonderful books

Some books do not leave such a big mark in us, but some we remember and love, no matter how much time passes, even if we never read them again. Many books have quotes that are unforgettable. They are part of us, like little links in the chain of memories, to remind us of who we are.

These special, unforgettable books are a part of our lives, our way of thinking and acting, and even though we have read them many times, we sometimes open their pages to read the moving quotes.

Quotes from wonderful books: written memory

Some quotes talk about loneliness, death, love, passion, childhood. And each book is a world in itself that we can grow and mature with. Each book has its moment to shine, and it is the book that chooses it.

Some quotes do not need to be read because they are written as a fire in the heart and soul. Reading and learning require bravery, hope and an open mind. Are you ready?


In 2008, Paolo Giordano published a beautiful book entitled The Solitude of Prime Numbers . Based on the metaphor of prime numbers, he tells about the relationship between two friends, Mattia and Alice, who have a lot in common, but who seem to have a fate that makes them not find each other at the right moment.

Woman sleeping

Some of us may experience this feeling at different points in our lives. Maybe you found the perfect partner, but that person was not ready to be in a relationship. Or maybe you found your dream job, but they gave the job to someone else.

Sometimes you have to let go of a person or a situation so that something new and surprising can come into your life. Letting go is hard, but that does not mean you have to lose. On the contrary, the future will teach you what it means to win.

Not to search, but to find

In 1963, Hopscotch was published, a book written by Julio Cortázar that marked a milestone in literature, a small earthquake in the cultural panorama of age. Hopscotch is a transgression in terms of the classic structure of a novel, as it breaks away from all conventions that exist in narratives.

Hopscotch is a book full of unforgettable quotes for entire generations of readers. The quote we have chosen reminds us that we sometimes find things when we do not even look for them. We often go after things without realizing that if we stopped, these things would come to us.

Love and broken hearts

The book Rosenens Navn  is perhaps one of the most beautiful and memorable works of literature and film. It tells the story of mysterious murders, and also tells of the love that the young Franciscan monk Atso feels for a mysterious young woman.

Mermaid by the sea

Among the most famous literary quotes, this one speaks of love as a universal emotion . We fall in love completely unexpectedly.  Love governs us, and we do things for love that we would never have imagined. But love has a dark side: broken hearts. It tears you apart when the person you love does not love you back.


If there is one book that is celebrated and that is unforgettable, it is One Hundred Years of Solitude , by Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez. He begins with this beautiful quote that tells us the end and the beginning of the story at the same time, and it makes us reflect deeply.

At certain moments in our lives, it is important to stop and think. To reflect on what we remember and what we forget, to go over all the lessons that experience and time have taught us, and to move on without making the same mistakes.


The Little Prince is certainly a book that gives very deep reflections in simple sentences. It is a song of childhood, love, creativity and passion for small things. A book that is still relevant today, despite the years that have passed.

Baby with wings on a turtle

Among all the quotes from famous books, they have from The Little Prince their own unique light. The quote we have chosen is one that encourages us to reflect on the creativity we had as children, and which we seem to lose over time.

Children are not afraid of the future or other people’s opinions, which means that their imagination can fly free. Restoring your inner child means creating, feeling and being fearless again. It restores your willingness to fly. Do you dare to do that?

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