To Have Or Not To Have Children, What Choice Should We Make?

To have or not to have children, what choice should we make?

Until fairly recently, most people assumed that everyone wanted to get married and have children. This has changed radically. In the western world, the number of people choosing not to have children is increasing. There are many men and women who do not want or do not prefer to have children.

The reasons for this can range from personal desires to the idea that bringing a new life into the world will throw the world’s ecosystems and societies out of balance. Whatever the reason, it is clear that there is less and less taboo around having or not having children. This applies to virtually all societies around the world.

As a result, population development in most developing countries shows an increasing number of older people rather than younger ones.

In some countries, the birth rate is much lower than it was 20 years ago. This, in addition to increased life expectancy, creates an aging population. Is this a good thing? Is the choice not to have children logical and responsible, or is it just a form of modern selfishness?

The decision to have or not to have children

Many people believe that having children will take away their freedom and complicate their lives. The role of parent requires time that many are not ready to invest. For them, having and raising a child is suffocating and on top of that, it does not interest them. Some people think that having a career and a social life is enough to give life meaning. For others, children are not worth the investment a responsible upbringing requires.

to have or not to have children

According to the study childlessness in Europe (2015), is  most reasons for opting out of child labor related. Still, there are many other reasons, including financial reasons, history of poor parenting and fear of transmitting a genetic disease. Another study done by the Family Association in Finland indicates that in recent years, financial difficulties have become the main reason for not having children. Uncertainty in the job market and uncertainty about the future have caused this phenomenon to spread.

Regarding the question of who is happier, the University of Western Ontario in Canada concluded that there is no definitive answer. It seems to depend on the person’s age. For younger people, having children is more likely to be considered a lower level of happiness. For adults in their 30s, the perception is neutral. And for those in their 40s, children are a great source of happiness.

A decision that is affected by many factors

It is not a general answer to the question of whether or not to have children. Every person, and especially every couple, should make the decision for themselves. It is important to reflect deeply on the topic and try to be sure of the decision. When people have children without wanting to, it can have devastating effects. On the other hand, if you push away the desire, it can eventually create a big hole inside you.

a baby in a flower

People are almost never in a perfect situation to have children. It would be ideal to have a stable partner, enough money, a lot of free time and a strong desire to become a parent, but it is rare that all these things are in place at the same time. Large families, which was very common not so long ago, managed to survive with less resources.

Knowing why you want children

It is important to know where the desire to have children comes from, because it can sometimes come from the wrong place. There are many partners who have problems in the relationship and trick themselves into believing that having children will improve the relationship or end the quarrel. There are also those who are frustrated with their own lives and want to have children to make up for the achievements they did not achieve themselves. Both cases are most likely the recipe for failure.

We get more and more freedom to make decisions about who we want to have family with and how we want it to be, that is a great advantage. Still, it also provides an increase in anxiety and insecurity. The important thing is to cultivate the ability you have to listen to your heart, then everything else will come after.

Having children will always be a challenge. Bringing a new life into this world is not an easy process. This includes meeting countless social and biological challenges, in addition to those created by the children themselves. Either way, there are countless opportunities to grow and have fun with them.

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