7 Tips For Dealing With Stress

7 tips for dealing with stress

Stress is one of the biggest problems in our modern world, especially in the more developed areas. It is not easy to stay calm in a world that is moving fast. It is also not easy to deal with the noise and hostility in today’s big cities. Because of all this, dealing with stress is no easy task .

In both the short and long term, stress can lead to damage to the mind and body. Many mental illnesses stem from too much stress. At the same time, stress blocks our thoughts, so we can not think clearly and it affects our relationships.

But do not be afraid. It is possible to deal with stress by using a few simple methods. It’s all about taking breaks and using some of the tricks we will explain here.

Two people on rocks in the sky

1. Identify the moment when the stress started

It is not as easy to recognize stress as it may first seem. We often only notice that we are stressed when the stress has already reached a high level.

Stress manifests itself in both physical and emotional ways. It can grow in intensity or stay stable in the background.

The physical signs of stress are muscle tension, especially in the jaw, neck or shoulders. Stress can also cause tension in the face, and often causes your lips to become a thin line.

Emotionally, there is a feeling of irritation mixed with anguish. These feelings tell us that it is time to stop this stress.

Use breathing techniques to deal with stress

Breathing is something we do all the time, so it is a tool we always have on hand when dealing with stress. It’s a great way to bring peace into your life. Slow, rhythmic breathing has been shown to activate the vagus nerve. It responds to stress.

Sometimes all you need to do is find a comfortable position and breathe deeply. Try to focus on your lungs being filled with air. Then exhale calmly. After two or three minutes of this, your stress level will go down.

3. Distract your attention

Stress is associated with our fight or flight response. That is why we direct all our attention to the things that contributed to the excitement.

The more you focus on these sources of unrest, the more stress you will feel.

This is why it is so important that you try to divert your attention. Look at something around you. Try to describe it mentally, with as much detail as possible.

Then repeat the same exercise with two other objects. This will help you deal with your stress, regulate your impulses and expand your immediate emotional expression.

Doors and windows in the sky

4. Look at a relaxing picture

Images communicate emotions to the observers. This is why it is wise to always have a picture or painting of something relaxing nearby. Good photos are landscapes, especially of peaceful places or with cold weather, lots of greenery or lots of water.

When you feel stressed, looking at these pictures will help you relax. It is also a way to focus your mind on something comfortable, which reduces restlessness.

5. Reinterpret the experience

Sometimes focusing on your stress can make it worse. You feel too many anguish and want to get rid of them as soon as possible. As this is not always easy, we become more restless instead of calming down.

Therefore, it is important to identify and accept our stress and then start using methods to control it.

Try to recognize all the ways stress arises. How do you feel in your body? How do you sit or stand? How fast is your heart rate? What kind of thoughts get into your head?

These questions will help you interpret how you feel. Then the feeling of tension may gradually subside.

Man in cornfields

Take an anti-stressful physical position

There are stressful positions and anti-stressful positions. The first can be, for example, sitting with your legs crossed in a distorted way. Jerking with one foot in a steady rhythm can also be a sign of stress. Having a curved back and tense facial muscles is another sign.

On the other hand, standing with a straight back and moving your face will help you deal with stress. It is a position that gives you confidence and security. According to a study by GHealth Psychology, this position also inhibits the production of cortisol.

7. Do a simple exercise with your hands

It has been proven that tying both hands tightly and then opening them helps reduce stress. This is an aggressive gesture and therefore it helps to dissolve tension.

All of these little tricks are very effective in dealing with stress. It is normal to feel stressed in our modern world, especially if we live in big cities. It is important not to let stress take over and instead use these tools to control it.

Attached fists try to deal with stress

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