5 Important Ingredients In A Relationship

The most important ingredients in a relationship are the ones that allow you to build a healthy and strong bond. We give you 5 of them!
5 key ingredients in a relationship

Have you ever wondered what are the important ingredients in a relationship? What is necessary for a relationship to be healthy and also work?

It is obvious that every couple is different and that not all of us need the same thing. However, we find in psychology some general ideas that should apply in all the relationships that seek to become healthy relationships, such as mutual respect.

We give you 5 important ingredients in a relationship that has to do with communication, trust, humor, respect and above all love. After reading them, we encourage you to answer the following: Want to add something more to the list?

Look into each other’s eyes

Why is an action that is so mundane and seemingly simple as looking into each other’s eyes one of the most important ingredients in a relationship? Because when two people look directly into each other’s eyes, they have the opportunity to create a bond. That is, to get a bond on another level, on a more emotional level.

This sentence says it all, “When the gaze speaks, words are silent.” Look each other in the eyes with your partner, and maybe you see how the chemistry is still there after all. Regarding the above, Michael Ellsberg, author of The Power of Eye Contact , confirms that when you establish eye contact with another person, you are giving that person a glimpse of your emotional world in a certain way.

Couple looking at each other smiling

Laugh together

Laughing together, as well as looking each other in the eye, binds people together, strengthens the bond and promotes personal trust. When we laugh, we rejoice, we feel happiness, and we experience precisely that joy from the release of endorphins and other substances in our brain. What happens to the things that make us happy? We will experience them again. And what’s better than repeating happy moments with our partner?

A curiosity is that a study by a team of researchers from the medical faculty at Stanford University, suggests that a sense of humor is an attractive feature. The study found that women showed higher activity than men in the brain areas involved in reward while responding to a joke. In addition, the study also concludes that women have evolved to appreciate humor, while men have evolved to produce it.

Always show respect

Respect is another important ingredient in a relationship. Respect means listening to the opinion of others even if we do not share it, do not insult, speak properly, consider the other, accept their shortcomings, be sincere… That is, showing respect involves a large number of actions and attitudes. All of them are linked to a strengthening of the bond and to greater trust between the couple.

In addition, the moment a couple does not respect each other, they are more likely to do so again in the future. It can end up generating very toxic dynamics in the relationship.

Spend time together

Spending time with a person is one of the greatest declarations of love you can offer someone. If for some reason you can not spend physical time with that person, that is, to meet physically, you must at least try to find time to call, talk… This becomes crucial in a relationship, because spending time together means more opportunities to meet and create shared memories.

Thus, we are not just referring to spending time physically together (although it is best when possible) when it comes to this ingredient. It’s about spending time with each other in general. In addition, spending time with your partner, in addition to the above, will put an end to possible conflicts if they exist.

Listen to the other

According to a point already mentioned (respect), we also suggest another of the most important ingredients in a relationship: active listening. Listening to your partner involves actively showing interest in what they are explaining, asking them, showing attention, discussing, etc.

It’s an act of love and respect for the other, in addition to the fact that we all like to be heard, right? And we can always learn something from each other through active listening. On the other hand, it is a way to improve communication and trust between the two.

Couples talking about their problems

Concluding reflection on love and relationships

Healthy or healthy relationships are those where there is trust, sincerity and mutual respect, in addition to love. Each couple must find their own formula to enjoy the relationship while learning with (and from) the other without disturbing their personal freedom.

The ideas we have given you are just a few examples, although we could find more: practice assertive and transparent communication, be honest, look for moments of calm and intimacy… The list is endless, although the ingredients are explained, these are some of the most necessary to build a relationship where you can enjoy and be yourself.

Let us not forget that love is the basis of relationships, but that this must also be built little by little and with real interest from both members (it is not built alone).

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